how to fix lag in darn rm4s

can someone tell me what texture the rm4s use, i wanna replace this wth the standard rocket textures. the r4m use this texture that just makes a lagfest on some servers and with my friends when we do lan jet fights. i don't have a top of the line comp, so only like 3 salvos an it laggs up like crap. it would also be i think more realistic. the rm4 are just as much rocket as any other, so why a huge never ending trail. i have a bit of experience wth textures, so it wouldn't be to hard if i knew what files were responsible for this trail. and i know it is from x4 but i would sacrifice the x4 for a lag free rm4 fight, anyway, x4s never were used so i really don't bother with theoretical weapons, i only like planes that actually fought in the game in a real fight.

Search for this mod by Th!rdeye:

Weapon Hit Effects Mod + Rocket Trail v1.3 *Update 7/27*

It's on this site. You don't have to use the hit effects if you dont want. Just find the rocket effect file in the mod and use that. With this, the smoke trails are longer (more realistic) and help out framerates HUGELY compared to the original. I had bad lag when firing all 24 R4Ms from the 262 as well (or rockets from any airplane). Installed this, not a single drop in frame rate. Plus, the trails look better.

thanks, though i still am in the process of personalizing, as i do every texture mod

edit: no wrk, only changes the normal rockets, not RM4, i already had my own tweaks to the normal rockets, just i talkin bout the long, laggy trails in the cluster shotgun missiles (rm4). those long unrealistic trails is what needs a fix fast!!

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