Kickstart for a newbie

Dear Community,

I searched but didn't get a definitive answer. I'm new to Sturmovik and have some questions:

How do I install maps and missions? Where do I have to put them and do I have to edit any .ini files to activate them? The same with missions. Are there missions included in AAA unified installer using new maps? E.g. I'm insterested in installing the Channel Map, installing the google textures and flying missions in this map. This leads me to the next question:

How do I setup a coop mission to fly with two friends via LAN?

Thanks for your help!


Just download Unifined installer ... I know its large but it answer your quest.

(The link is inoperative)

Install Golden Collection + 4.08 + Unufuned istaller 1.1.1 - You are done :lol: :lol:

All greatest maps allready there.. :wink:

Welcome to AAA and IL2 CrisMoreno

How do I install maps and missions?
the UI 1.1 that Bender_AS has linked you to will install the Channel map ,Battle of France map as well as a few other extra maps for you.All other maps can be downloaded from the Map download section at AAA and these maps all come with instructions to install them.Follow the instructions and you will have no trouble.

Single ,Campaigns or coops are the same as maps as they will have instructions included with the download on how to install them and will mention and link you to any needed add on Mods for the missions to play out.There are no missions included with the UI 1.1 from what I know of,I could be wrong though.The link to the UI 1.1 that has been placed here for you by Bender_AS has all the info on the content that is included with the UI 1.1,read it all carefully,especially the install instructions.

There is in your main game folder for IL2 a .pdf called manual.pdf and this is your manual for the game.It covers everything you would need to know to use anything in the game.QMB ,missions,multiplayer and list goes on.There are also two other .pdf's in your main game folder.One discusses the aircraft with pictures and explains what all the gauges ete are in each plane,it is called AircraftGuide.pdf.There is also a controls.pdf which shows key mapping for the game,good to print out untill you get use to all the controls on your keyboard.I use a Saitek X-52 pro and have since virtually eliminated having to use my keyboard at all.

On creating a server,this is from a the manual.pdf that is in your main game folder>

At minimum, you need a 28.8K modem connection
to your ISP for acceptable Internet play performance.
Before launching the server, you need to detect your server IP. Do this by running the command
• Win98 > run Programs > Dos prompt > type IPCONFIG and read the IP ADDRESS.
• Win2000 > run Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt > type IPCONFIG and read
Send this IP address to your friends.
For network play, launch the Pacific Fighters integrated server. You must choose Multiplayer in
the Main Menu, and then Create New Server. After that, you can proceed to the following
• Name: Enter the name of your server.
• Description: Here you can list the map, time, weather, and other conditions and settings
you wish to use. Clients will see this string before the connection and decide which server
to choose.
• Game Type: As mentioned previously, a Dogfight is air combat between live enemies.
Cooperative stands for cooperative mission fulfillment.
• Max. Players: The maximum number of players on a server, which ranges from 2 to 32
in a Dogfight or up to 16 in Cooperative. Naturally, a larger number of players makes
more serious demands on your hardware.
• Password: Use this item if you want to create a game only for people you know.
Multiplayer sessions can be locked with a password to keep stray gamers away. To
change your password, press the Change button.
Once you have set the above parameters, click the Create button and your server will be created.
The next step is choosing your mission. You can load any standard mission or a mission you
created with the built-in mission editor. In either case, all mission data will be sent to the clients.
After the mission has loaded, you can change the Difficulty settings. This can only be done on
the server. Clients get these settings from the server, and so they all have the same Difficulty

Thanks for taking the time to explaining things so detailed. I already installed the Unified installer. So I guess, I just have to download missions that use the channel map to be able to play it. I'll have a look at the manuals!


NP Bud, have fun :wink:

Thanks again. As I installed all the mods, including the Channel Map the look has improved immensely! Awesome work AAA devs! Now the wait for BOB is not painful anymore...

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