I was sure they knocked the smoke bug out with the Spitfire Mk XIVs??
I have tried the buttons files from SAS site, and loaded the SeaFury MkI and V, along with the Hurricane sliding canopies, the Hurricane MkI early and got them all to work properly even with the UI sound mod patch. But to tell you the truth, flying the SeaFury, and the others pales in comparison to having the sound mod working, being directed back to stock engine sounds is not good, those engine sounds make the game for me, and I won't sacrifice them to fly planes most of the community don't have anyway. I hope they get the buttons files sorted out. I'm not sure what the reason for not adding the Sea Furies to AAA were but I can tell you the FM is very different from the Tempest, it rolls like a FW. It has a 5 bladed propeller and you only see 4 after the engine starts, you get the canopy to open external but not internal. So it needs alot of refinement to be a final release . Now the Whirlwind may be a different story, and I'm sad RAF Magpie will be offering it from the RAF site only, this tells me it may not be compatible with the AAA UI sound mod and I will have to use the SAS/RAF buttons to fly it. I hate to say I will pick the engine sounds over the Whirlwind, it's much more immersive for me.
I still love this game, and I was afraid this would happen, AAA is a good venture in adding more content to this game and community, I believe this enough to have donated on several occasions when funds were needed. And I will continue to support this site.
Thank you gentlemen for your hard work in making this a better game.
Anyone who likes to try mods is out of their mind if they don't have several installs of IL2 including a clean 4.08M installed. It is extremely simple to setup, simply a matter of copying the entire directory to a newly named directory other than the default path.. You can fly every version of IL2 Modded you want with no conflicts. Until things are more universal its really tha smart way to go.
simple answer.
yes you can.
i have tried it and had no major trouble so far. be sure to look around over there in case you need trouble shooting with sounds.
and be sure to know your way backwards.
I have the seafury but the problem is that there no sound for the P51 and i have tryed the patches and there still no sound for the P51
Go to page 1 6th post.
Basically you will need to wait for 1.2 when not only 1.2 Unified will be out but the button files installer as well.
Until then it's either AAA or another button's publisher.
Totally agreed Toasted !!
BTW, All the stuff at SAS works perfectly just follow the instructions to the letter and always backup your IL2/FILES/GUI/GAME/BUTTON and MODS/STD folders before every new install!!
yep, guess we're all on the same side, just looking at things from a slightly differant perspective and bitching some of the time. but if some of these disagreements lead to positive advances for the game, then its all worth it. 8)
Hey, amigos.
I just want the Hawker SeaFury from AAA.Only SeaFury.
How you guys got it?
I have the same old problem: 60% crash.
Sorry for same old question.
i just don't want to register anywhere anymore hehehe but i believe i said that once
yes we have the seafury and much much more coming in 1.2
1.3 slated to be released 30 days after is going to have all sorts of niceties.