Request: houses destroyed

Hello AAA.I vould to know if you can to have half-ruined city in maps.In effects would fly over cities already bombed more real (sad but true). You can have a mod for random homes destroyed? If not, the makers of maps may already include in their works?Sorry for translation.Long life AAA :lol: :lol:

You can use the destruction brush in the FMB.

...what KG64_cnopicillin said.... :wink:

Thanks for your reply. However, it is only an effect of the surface or the house is completely destroyed? and how you can get by default with all the maps?Is it possible?Long life AAA

Thats easy. Use this: ... el_V01.exe

Just throw it in your games mainfolder. Before starting the game, start the prog. Type in the desired destrucion level (just a number between 2...100). To reset (Destruction level "0") start prog again and type in "1" ("1". Not "0").

Example, Le Havre, 20 or 30 % destruction level (Don't remember exactly):

[Image: lehavre.jpg]

No bombs nor destruction brush is used here. It's the original map and it works with everey map.

Well, the prog is quite simple and just sets all types of buildings (types, not single buildings) randomly depending of the desired destruction level to "destroyed". So the results will differ from map to map depending of which buildings the map uses. Nevertheless the results are quite good. Mostly groups of the same types of buildings are set togther in a map, so there will be some kind of bombed areas clustering.

Of course it is possible to set different levels to different types of buildings (not with this version of the prog), may be i'll program this later. Even setting different percentage for each building would be possible, but that would be not so easy and quite diffcult to administrate, so i think this would not be worth the costs.

Ooooh, Many thank's Zipzapp. That'is!!! Long life AAA

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