TexFlags.TexCompressARBExt=1 to use S3TC compression so check it out
I had this error
I fixed it by reinstalling the UI 1.1 patch. (Just the patch not the entire UI1.1)
try it it should clear this error up.
The UI patch repalce the static.ini so u lose your new objects!!!!! :wink:
Ok, I've got it!
Changed also:
after changing:
in the conf.ini and now the card works and missions can be saved.
Oh man, what a mess...
BTW, the runway ground under my plane looks a little bit unsharp. Is this normal?
Thanks a bunch! Now I can recreate the Tower Bridge incident (in my F9F). :twisted:
A PC with GeForce GTX 260 had no problems loading the Channel map, but a PC with 2xGeForce 8800 GT in SLI gets that error. Both have 4 GB ram and 64 bit Vista.
Thus it seems that all the textures of the Channel map and it's objects don't fit into 512 MB grapfics memory, and texture compression is needed to load the map.
However, I wouldn't like to lose texture quality because of the large amount of textures in the Channel map. I'd like to simplify the map somehow instead.
I got the same problem, it used to come at 23%, but after I have done everything talked about above (and installed the lite version) it now happens at around 90%. ARG!!! :evil:
I see this same error on an ATI 5850 card, with Libya and Tobruk maps from Lowengrin DCG. I'm not going to change texture compression though, because it looks butt ugly. (probably why your airstrip isn't looking sharp).
If you can tell me what plane you're flying when that happens, then it can narrow down the problem.