jan 09/2010 update - why is it taking more time ?
Yep, right it hasn't been released yet. The reason is simple : the new il2.exe bring us more possibilities, a easier way to pupulate maps. So as i know the bad point of my repainted Okinawa was cities and habors i decided to populate the stock Kyushu map.
I'm focusing on the harbors and fields puting houses in adequacy with the textures. Don't worry i'm not goin to populate the whole cities but only the strategic point for SIGHT :
- too populated cities would have a cost in matter of fps
- my cities textures are good enough to create the illusion that you are flying over it
- we don't have enough divertisty in bildings/houses to create real cities specially for PTO - so 3d bildings or not it looks faked anyway.
- i discovered that with puting just a few houses/farms in an intelligent pattern according to field textures and structure for exemple it gives a real feeling to fly over a real place.
2. Better now right ??
. I like this geometrical structure organisation
3. I love yp-80
4. Kyushu is full of harbors...but badly populated. This point is capital for the quality of the map. Detailed habors have no fps cost, this is not the case of all the stuff inside the cities, houses and trees
5. ok this one is for fun only