Missing Planes in QMB Pro

Hi all, i was wondering if maybe somebody could help me out with this...when i go into quick mission i can t select any aircraft below a b-24 Liberator...so i can t play any of the AM62 or A-20 and some others...the menu simply will not go any farther back but i can select these aircraft for wingmen ... Anyone have any ideas??

QBM pro seems an old version, with issues; the latest version with all known issues solved
is QBMproPal final. This one is distinctive by having colored tex in QBM.
Scroll size of selection windows is an adjustment that can be made by some added lines to conf.ini: the instructions are given within installation readme's as to how to do that... If selections are truly missing, then that is a new problem I have never heard off... I think you should try
the latest version, and if problem persist you should ask where the mod is downloaded for assistance...

Her is an example of the lines that appears in my conf.ini MODS section:
( these need to be created under some guidance...) and proper to the mods I have:



This might not work at all for you and you'r mods, since settings depends on screen size, resolution, the driver you used et.c.
Gives you an idea that settings do exits, like color = 0 turns my text to black. :|

OMG: there is a time when planes selection is restricted and this is called for by the map/missions themselves: for instance Coral sea map
offers only planes with arrestor hooks. Select different maps to see if all have the same problem.

Excellent.........the problem is fixed! i had to add the (Mods) title into my Conf-int and then i added the lines like you have
and the aircraft selection box drops down giving me all my airplane selections...thanks a bunch........ Big Grin

fender44 Wrote:Excellent.........the problem is fixed! i had to add the (Mods) title into my Conf-int and then i added the lines like you have
and the aircraft selection box drops down giving me all my airplane selections...thanks a bunch........ Big Grin
VERY HAPPY for you. Glad the example above did it...
Big Grin
Be aware that each map-name in QMBMap.ini is NOT the activation of a map, but the activation of a GROUP of missions which bears the name.
Therefore any name can be use to create any series of missions, ( if the missions do load the required and existing map in FMB...)
(...also a series of missions by a single name may each load a different map if needed...like S/W/A versions, or others completely different ).

...in these you will find 'example' lists of all my "maps"-names inside QMBMaps.ini: Kt_eastafrica does not exist, but the missions for it do work:
the missions load NWEurope map. Open any such a mission with Notepad to see this. All that is needed therefore is to have NWEurope NWEurope/load.ini present and running in FMB, and the generic name of the missions inscribed as a line in QMBMap.ini, as if it was a map.
If you understand this, you can do miracles with QMB, and debug anything that is not working yet.

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