I'll post some screenshots later, after I really awake lol. However there's a big prob to be solved yet. Namely modifying map-h and map_T doesn't allow changing water regions into land regions or the other way around. Think, if we find out how to do that, only then we're able to come with really different maps, say take a big existing sea map and pasting islands here and there, make a solomon islands chain for example!
Smothening terrain, thet might be done working with map -h, picking one grey colour at the bottom of the patch to be leveled and pasting itaround, this is blind work to some extent, so it would need a lot of in and out of FMB.
@ Lowfighter:
Hi, mate is it possible that with copy patch you get different shade of gray on the edges ... if you enlarge pic there mustn't be any color change. When i try to place forest this way ... i get city ground text on the edge of edited forests.
I mean edges are usually lighter shade ( when copy - past patches) so you get crater effect.
keep it up
Lowfighter, you and all the mod makers are bringing the christmas presents sooner than I thought!!... as an campaign builder I 'm always keen on detailing and using detailed maps , with youre findings this wil increase the gameplay to another level, so plz if you have new maps offer them to the admins MrJolly or Lt Wolf for download A.S.A.P, I know I.m sounding like a spoiled kid but like Fly_zo I'm asking you ; ... is it also possible to make a real looking English 'chalk coast' ?!!!....
I've been recently building an RAF beaufighter campaign using the Kurland map as a stand in for the Dutch coast. All air starts I'm afraid as is usual with mid war RAF missions. But if only we could add a coast on the top left corner of the map to represent the UK. Wouldn't have to be anything fancy, just some green and pleasant land with a couple of airfields.
Enemy coast ahead!
Hm, I think i understand better what you mean.
In connection with this, I'm working with gimp and I have an option to pick a colour from the image. Click on a spot and get that colour. Then I can paint with that colour. So if I want to paint some forest I click in the middle of some forest patch, get the colour and paint some more forest if I wish. But there's something else, when I click to pick some colour, gimp gives me the values for R, G and B intensities. So I get something like
and I always get this 9 when I pick it from a forest region. I always get 0% when I pick it from a region corresponding to :
LowLand0 =something in the load.ini
So each colour corresponds to a certain type.
Hazy here a bit lol.
Talking about forest, could you open the map_T for guadalcanal? Gimp doesn't open it properly so I'm stuck in my project of bringing the forest there up to the shore.
Yup, i can open guadal no prob. What do you need? And it's a tricky one cos one map covers early and late scenery with different airfields. If you want from me to place forest for you no prob, just send me ed_m01/02 with marked areas where you want new forest.
Regarding pickin up the color i'm using it but in 100% Zoom everything look peachy while in 300% Zoom , well you saw the pic.