Team Fusion video of Patch V1 testing from Saturday March 16

Hi there 'the community'.

On Saturday March 16th we invited various Squadrons in to do a stress test on the ATAG Servers and see if there was anything that was going to make the patch/mod/update delayed for release.

As you know by now, the patch/mod/update is available and online so obviously the testing went well!

During the night a few tracks were recorded and I spent yesterday capturing some footage and today editing it. This footage is all captured online, non of it realtime, all recorded from track files and I have added only one effect, that is a guncamera clip, created from game footage on the night. Everything else is captured as it appeared, including the colours (no SweetFX enabled or Injector files), everything you see, is everything you'll see once you download the patch/mod/update Wink

The Patch can be found here: ... php?t=3777

Currently we have had some amazingly positive feedback and we are regularly reading the posts to help those with issues of which there have been very few and mostly all sorted, unless it's been a legacy issue from the original game Wink

So here's a short video from Saturday nights on-line fun, cheers, Team Fusion

Video here:

WOW!!! that looks really good man, you guys are doing a great job Big Grin


8) Hi Mysticpuma,

that looks really great! Nice video you made!
I'm just downloading the patch...

Thank you very much for sharing!

Jambo Big Grin

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