COMING SOON! English Channel 1940 Final Release - Printable Version

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- JG7_X_Man - 28.10.2008

This is going to be great! As an IL-2 War fan - I can see '40 - '44 covered wirth this map.

CannonUK - just wanna say thank you for bringing this game to life for me!

- reflected - 28.10.2008

Any chances to see Biggin Hill? :oops:

- fabianfred - 28.10.2008

I'm looking forward to objects too

I've been defending this map on the Ubi GD forum in the thread on channel maps....... from those who are saying the photo type textures are no good......... how can they hasn't been released yet
and the other map will satisfy those who want the real buildings...... BoB wasn't a ground attack battle

- canonuk - 28.10.2008

I'm not really fussed what people think. I'm not making this map for them. I'm making it for me. It's a nice bonus that some other people will enjoy it too.

What I think is a little sad is that the 352nd team seem to see this as a competition. I hope I'm wrong, but lots of things they write hint at an immature competitive streak.


- Potenz - 28.10.2008

cannon don't worry about complainers, many people as me enjoy every bloody second on flight in your beautyfull map, i'm so exited about the final release, it looks brillant, so keep working many many peoples enjoy your work.


- Guest - 28.10.2008

Cannon, I don't think the 352nd people see it as a competition, I think their jelous and have to prove themselves :?

Keep up the exceptional work Mate :wink:

- Triad773 - 28.10.2008

What ever your medium: I think that artistry can be created. Canon I appreciate yours. Some such as I had to struggle through life drawing, technical drawing, illustration, representational drawing, etc... in the words of my technical illustration professor (who later on died in a bicycle vs. car altercation,) "if it looks right, it's right-- even if it is wrong."

He was not that great of an artist, but he knew how to see.

Cudos to you, Campans and the rest of the crew in what looks like a bar-raising map 8)



- duffys tavern - 28.10.2008

Yes I agree with what others have said about this wonderful map and thanx for being willing to share.

- Hunin - 29.10.2008

canonuk Wrote:I'm not really fussed what people think. I'm not making this map for them. I'm making it for me. It's a nice bonus that some other people will enjoy it too.

What I think is a little sad is that the 352nd team seem to see this as a competition. I hope I'm wrong, but lots of things they write hint at an immature competitive streak.


Well they shouldn't really seeing the quality of your work - it might bite them lateron.
But in the end of the day it doesn't really matter - there will always be the loud minority.
I don't think any decent simmer would look at the pictures here and not say "amazing".
Every single modder breaking new ground in whatever form deserves respect in my opinion.

- Low_Flyer - 29.10.2008

Looking mighty fine to me Mr Canon. Big Grin

I'm going to break my own golden rule here and ask if the map includes Warmwell airfield - I'm normally very happy to get what is kindly provided, but what with the Whirlwind in the works, I'm understandably excited and would love to give 263 Squadron a good home. :wink:

- canonuk - 29.10.2008

Yes, it definitely includes Warmwell Smile Totally accurate and authentic, with the proper hangars and everything Smile

- Low_Flyer - 29.10.2008

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Yippee!!! Thank you very much - you've made an old Whirlywhiner very happy. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

- Guest - 29.10.2008

canonuk Wrote:Yes, it definitely includes Warmwell Smile Totally accurate and authentic, with the proper hangars and everything Smile

It feels like Christmas is coming early this year! Thanks Father Christmas! :wink:

Love your new sig Canon, although you are a real teaser. :evil: Big Grin

- Compans - 29.10.2008

Not seen the posts in question Cannon, but I like the maxim 'a rising tide floats all ships'. The tide, in this case is the very recent modding community which has revolutionised this game. Petty competitiveness is pointless but healthy competition can only be good for us all. As a skinner and campaign maker I'm always thinking 'how can I do something new?'. But ultimately, like yourself I'm thinking 'what do I want to see?'. My voicepacks came from having to listen to the same, rather bland ones for a long time. Some people liked my new ones, some not. Similarly, I always wanted to fly over an organic-looking European city. As I'm not an island, I know there will be others who feel the same way. Some won't like it. It's ok to polarise and this pushes the 'opposition' into a stronger stance also. I'm sure the other Channel map will be just great, though one doesn't negate the other. As all of this is freeware it's a little ridiculous to look gift horses in the mouth.

- WhiteCat - 29.10.2008

Outstanding work Canon! I enjoy so much your current version, so I'm really excited about the next release! Lately I fly often from Madrid to London and return so I pass over the map area twice a week, fortunately often without clouds, and always come to my mind your map! Cheers, Alex