Modern Jet Fighters - Printable Version

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- pistitom - 25.04.2010

Personally, I never wanted any modern jets in this game - I'm aware of the ' don't want it, don't DL it ' policy , but....Actually , if proper FM and weapons+radar systems can be done, then....I play WOE as well, but IL-2 has so much more to offer : better graphics and WAY better mission builder...So, if these planes get all the stuff needed at the IL-2 standards ( cockpit, etc ) then hell, why not ? my pc can't handle lock on , and if I could choose between WOE and IL-2 , I'd go for the latter...So, Themodeler, You have my vote...

- European Snake - 25.04.2010

pistitom Wrote:Personally, I never wanted any modern jets in this game - I'm aware of the ' don't want it, don't DL it ' policy , but....Actually , if proper FM and weapons+radar systems can be done, then....I play WOE as well, but IL-2 has so much more to offer : better graphics and WAY better mission builder...So, if these planes get all the stuff needed at the IL-2 standards ( cockpit, etc ) then hell, why not ? my pc can't handle lock on , and if I could choose between WOE and IL-2 , I'd go for the latter...So, Themodeler, You have my vote...

Histomod now has a working fire and forget AIM-9 Sidewinder... Proper weapons no longer an issue...

- Chappi - 25.04.2010

Plumps Wrote:
Chappi Wrote:
KG64_Cnopicilin Wrote:
SevenOfNine Wrote:
spitfire13 Wrote:several probs though

1st i heard some where that IL2 cant handle the speeds and the flying charicteristics of modern fighters

It can Wink

spitfire13 Wrote:2nd as of this being a ww2 sim and most people want to keep it that way you wont find much help

It's a flight simulator...what's wrong with having these planes in it?
Go get LOMAC if you want modern planes, boy. No reason to make modern planes in.

Then get a WWI game to fly WWI planes, boy.

There are no rules on this forum that holds anyone from making modern planes here, and you're acting like an ass to him only because it's YOU who don't want modern planes.
Most people would like to get something fresh.

Bud you are talking hot air, look at the poll how many wish to see modern Jet fighters in this sim and then think again what you wrote?
Yeah some really would like IL2 to go the cfs way flying ion marshmellows against death stars........oh well you can wish for the moon if you get it is a totally differant story.

If he feels like doing modern planes, or even flying marshmellows then he can do it. There is no right to flame him only because you guys will rather fly Bf109's forever.
And we're not talking about anything unachievable, since the Mig addon that almost broke speed barrier, we can do whatever we want.

And don't act like he won't get any coding help outside of this forum.
You guys are not controlling whole IL2 community with this forum, remember this.

Besides, show me good modern jet simulators?
LockOn? It's old, and I there is lack of decent planes.
FSX on the other hand looks shitty with it's epic requirements, and yes there are loads of various addons, but it's damage model is horrible, and additionaly particle effects are just as horrible as dmg model.
Hawx? I have more fun playing with jets in Just Cause 2.

IL2 is a great base for ANY plane, with a little of patience we can turn it even into FSX.

I just don't damn understand why you people keep sitting in blind WWI/WWII environment, when so much is possible to do.

Actually I don't give a damn if those modern jets will get real speeds and proper functioning missiles/radars.
I will use them with fun even without that.

So, OP, if you'll ever get those working, and you won't achieve real life speeds and stuff, please use existing FM's and upload.

pistitom Wrote:Personally, I never wanted any modern jets in this game - I'm aware of the ' don't want it, don't DL it ' policy , but....Actually , if proper FM and weapons+radar systems can be done, then....I play WOE as well, but IL-2 has so much more to offer : better graphics and WAY better mission builder...So, if these planes get all the stuff needed at the IL-2 standards ( cockpit, etc ) then hell, why not ? my pc can't handle lock on , and if I could choose between WOE and IL-2 , I'd go for the latter...So, Themodeler, You have my vote...

I understand, since IL2 is a WWII game. But why do we have to stick to same stuff forever? I understand how hard people work on models and stuff, but most relases nowadays are just 'nth versions of Bf-109 and others. There will be day we will run out of WWII planes, then what? WWI planes? I understand it might be fun flying in those planes, but the same case applies to modern jets. If we can fly old as crap planes from WWI, why can't you try, I repeat, TRY modern jets?
We don't need to make only modern relases, but it can be fun to try flying with F18's VS Mig's 29's.
To Pistitom, I don't want it, don't DL it does not apply here.

I just hope this guy has enough strength and patience, since the last guy that wanted to do modern jet - B52 I believe, got flammed out of the topic.


Haha oh shit, looks like this is from 2007.
I might try working on modern jet myself.

- Plumps - 25.04.2010

[Image: 12.jpg]
Oh well it is like talking to a wall with your types.....
And it is as much appreciated, as a vintage car club, where some kids turn up and start loadly voicing where are the hot rods and formal 1 cars.

Yes I belong to those that really hope that jet junk flubbs big time! If I where into jets I would get me a jet sim and not a WWII one. But where is the point in talking? Do what ever you want, but don

- Chappi - 25.04.2010

[quote="Plumps"][Image: 12.jpg]
Oh well it is like talking to a wall with your types.....
And it is as much appreciated, as a vintage car club, where some kids turn up and start loadly voicing where are the hot rods and formal 1 cars.

Yes I belong to those that really hope that jet junk flubbs big time! If I where into jets I would get me a jet sim and not a WWII one. But where is the point in talking? Do what ever you want, but don

- ArcticViper - 25.04.2010

Chappi Wrote:
Plumps Wrote:Then why create WWI planes, when you can get a WWI game? Wait, there are no decent ones. Then create one.

I'm not going to comment on the content of the past few posts, since you seem to have worked things out.

This, however is worthy of commentary... Ever hear of Rise of Flight? Despite it's drawbacks with the costly aircraft, it's actually a really good game with a proper physics engine, and well worth the investment, if only to play around with the aircraft and the potential for future modding...

And as a sidenote, Canvas Knights will probably be my choice over RoF anyday, because unlike RoF, it doesn't require purchase of every new aircraft you download.


- Plumps - 25.04.2010

ArcticViper Wrote:
Chappi Wrote:
Plumps Wrote:Then why create WWI planes, when you can get a WWI game? Wait, there are no decent ones. Then create one.

I'm not going to comment on the content of the past few posts, since you seem to have worked things out.

This, however is worthy of commentary... Ever hear of Rise of Flight? Despite it's drawbacks with the costly aircraft, it's actually a really good game with a proper physics engine, and well worth the investment, if only to play around with the aircraft and the potential for future modding...

And as a sidenote, Canvas Knights will probably be my choice over RoF anyday, because unlike RoF, it doesn't require purchase of every new aircraft you download.


Hi ArcticViper could you correct that quote please, "Then why create WWI planes, when you can get a WWI game? Wait, there are no decent ones. Then create one" was not writen by me. Otherwise I have voiced my opinion and thats it. It is just irritating that when a sim has a specific topic some one is for sure to come with something that would fit far better in another sim. Oh well everyone can dream....just waiting for the first ones that wish, for a pack man version or space invaders version of IL2.

- Scharnhorst1943 - 28.04.2010

Quote:we can turn it even into FSX. I just don't damn understand why you people keep sitting in blind WWI/WWII environment, when so much is possible to do.

Then go buy FSX. Why turn IL-2 into FSX when you can just get FSX in the first place?

EDITED: "irrelevant and really bad analogy removed"

- P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole - 29.04.2010

:lol: Enough with the weak analogies! If you must so post them, at least make sure they actually work. Your car one: IL2 is like a great car collection contributed to by a few (let us say -- rich in talent and for the sake of this money) but used by many, many people. Many say thank you. Many contribute toward the utility bills. But at the end of the day, it is the few who are increasing the collection. Lots of stuff from the 30s and 40s in this collection. The owners. They want some 50s stuff. No one objects. They decide to get some cars from the times when they were still working out what worked for a car. So we now see ww1 stuff. Everyone somehow feels that it's the same era and period as the 30s and 40s stuff. BUt, some of these users, who view the collection and take the stuff for test drives, they wonder, perhaps we could move into the 60s and beyond. Well, most of the few reckon it might be hard to learn how to restore such cars, some like the idea; some have already, under wraps, been learning anyway. But a significant minority of the people who view the car collection take offence to this and now object at every opportunity.

ANd now continually attempt to impede any progress that might be made, by continually using any thread they see on the subject as an opportunity to say the same negetive stuff about how "IL2 is a ww2 sim!!" We understand, we know it was originally. But you argument falls apart entirely from the fact that 1) you don't have to use the mods you don't like; 2)We have WW1, post war and korean stuff now -- how can you say "yeah, well.... my point still stands.."? 3)It's up to modders, not you anyway. Some people seem to not understand or accept that. I myself cannot see how the expansion of this sim and the boundaries of what it can realisitcally portray is a bad thing at all.

I point all chaps to Howlin's post. I think it eloquently and succinctly says it:
Quote:ive been watching the forum for some time, you guys...jeez. i remember the day when AAA was a friendly site, you didnt have people flaming this badly, none of it, all that would happen if a thread like this came up was it was put in spray and pray, and it would be chatted over, now its all flame flame flame. those that are ww2 purest, have to face the fact il2 is no longer a pure ww2 sim its expaned to ww2 and korea, and dont be suprised if it goes to vietnam, and likewise those that want complex avionics fast movers need to tone it down abit as alot of guys who have been playing the sim from the start have been eagly awaitng much needed ww2 planes. Bottom line is everyone needs to chill out and theres a few posters in this thread who arejust adding fuel to the fire (you kow who you are) eitherway, just stop the flaming.

Finally, as I keep having to say,
Gents, make constructive comments, keep them civil, or please don't post.

- Plumps - 29.04.2010

P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole Wrote::lol: Enough with the weak analogies! If you must so post them, at least make sure they actually work. Your car one: IL2 is like a great car collection contributed to by a few (let us say -- rich in talent and for the sake of this money) but used by many, many people. Many say thank you. Many contribute toward the utility bills. But at the end of the day, it is the few who are increasing the collection. Lots of stuff from the 30s and 40s in this collection. The owners. They want some 50s stuff. No one objects. They decide to get some cars from the times when they were still working out what worked for a car. So we now see ww1 stuff. Everyone somehow feels that it's the same era and period as the 30s and 40s stuff. BUt, some of these users, who view the collection and take the stuff for test drives, they wonder, perhaps we could move into the 60s and beyond. Well, most of the few reckon it might be hard to learn how to restore such cars, some like the idea; some have already, under wraps, been learning anyway. But a significant minority of the people who view the car collection take offence to this and now object at every opportunity.

ANd now continually attempt to impede any progress that might be made, by continually using any thread they see on the subject as an opportunity to say the same negetive stuff about how "IL2 is a ww2 sim!!" We understand, we know it was originally. But you argument falls apart entirely from the fact that 1) you don't have to use the mods you don't like; 2)We have WW1, post war and korean stuff now -- how can you say "yeah, well.... my point still stands.."? 3)It's up to modders, not you anyway. Some people seem to not understand or accept that. I myself cannot see how the expansion of this sim and the boundaries of what it can realisitcally portray is a bad thing at all.

I point all chaps to Howlin's post. I think it eloquently and succinctly says it:
Quote:ive been watching the forum for some time, you guys...jeez. i remember the day when AAA was a friendly site, you didnt have people flaming this badly, none of it, all that would happen if a thread like this came up was it was put in spray and pray, and it would be chatted over, now its all flame flame flame. those that are ww2 purest, have to face the fact il2 is no longer a pure ww2 sim its expaned to ww2 and korea, and dont be suprised if it goes to vietnam, and likewise those that want complex avionics fast movers need to tone it down abit as alot of guys who have been playing the sim from the start have been eagly awaitng much needed ww2 planes. Bottom line is everyone needs to chill out and theres a few posters in this thread who arejust adding fuel to the fire (you kow who you are) eitherway, just stop the flaming.

Finally, as I keep having to say,
Gents, make constructive comments, keep them civil, or please don't post.

Well that is all nice, but I do hope you agree that if the pro jets or now-a-day planes fans may voice their opinions that those that prefer the vintage models may have their say too? I think we can agree that IL2 is something special, but there is a fear that it could go cfs, and when one is at the stage of asking for F-14 Tomcats and Starfighters, at least I am of that opinion (but maybe I am just a old fart who does not trust some) that one is not far from asking for Doc Browns DeLorean DMC-12 or freakier.

- P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole - 29.04.2010

Quote:Well that is all nice, but I do hope you agree that if the pro jets or now-a-day planes fans may voice their opinions that those that prefer the vintage models may have their say too? I think we can agree that IL2 is something special, but there is a fear that it could go cfs, and when one is at the stage of asking for F-14 Tomcats and Starfighters, at least I am of that opinion (but maybe I am just a old fart who does not trust some) that one is not far from asking for Doc Browns DeLorean DMC-12 or freakier

Oh please, are you really complaining that I'm only coming down on purists?
Of course you chaps are entitled to have your say, and we don't suppress any of the vast multitude of requests we see for ac of the period that you agree with. We've let you have your say in a variety of threads, it's the same things being said though.
As for even handedness, well now, if on every request for vintage stuff (and let's be honest, since you're talking here about eveness, there's are a damn site more of those than there are vietnam + anyway) a group of jet jockys start saying how "awful the very idea of old aircraft is", how the idea of "vintage ww2 aircraft are an insult to the sim", acting as though somehow their oppinions are somehow more valid than the purists or, even worse the modders, using really awful analogies that lack relevance etc etc etc -- well aside form laughing ast them, rest assured I'd be handling that in the same way as this. Oddly enough, we don't see that at all. It only works one way it seems.

Now please, don't go around implying I'm not even handed, I rather object to that. And here's the thing. We've seen so many of the same posts, saying the same things, where the same people post their objections to modern-ish stuff and later. The same arguments crop up. The same flaming goes on on both sides, but I have to admit, from what I've seen it tends to be the purists who cause such things. Well, I'm fed up. The moderators are fed up of the same bs being drudged up. It's boring. it's been said. So as I said above, if you have nothing new and constructive to add, don't post. That counts for everyone. My opinions here, and I've never hidden the fact I'm all for the improvement of the sim, are irrelevant. I don't let stuff like that cloud my judgement.

Anyway gentlemen the last I checked, this thread was a work in progress and will remain asuch. Take any objections or discussion to the "do you support modern jet fighters" thread. As said here there and everywhere recently it seems, try and keep posts relevant and civil and try not to just be saying the same things again and again.

- Plumps - 29.04.2010

No, no complaint, and no I do not think you are not even handed, just wanted to make sure I got it right what I thought you wrote.

Very interesting... - Starspeeder_3000 - 21.05.2010

I'm new to IL-2 modding and I have never produced anything for use in the game. I do love all the mods being made for it though! I saw this thread and I was wondering what it actually takes to simulate an aircraft's flight dynamics in IL-2. I have many years of experience modeling with various 3D design apps but when it comes to making a mod for IL-2 I'm clueless. I'm watching this thread to see if modern flight dynamics are possible in IL-2. If this turns out to be true then literally only the sky is the limit!

themodeler, I'm very interested in your efforts here, I really hope you can work out how to add working modern aircraft to IL-2! I wish you much success!

- Guest - 21.05.2010

I think there is a program that is like an digital wind tunnel thing which you put 3D model in and calculates things for you, like performance etc. And then a talented modder, hopefully me one day can go and make Flight Models etc.

Re: Modern Jet Fighters - Chris28aug - 17.12.2010

i think it would by nice yo make mig -21 mod too