Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Printable Version

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Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - LeBigTed - 28.11.2014

Wow Wow WOW !!!

Great reat stuff there !!! Amazing and realistic !!!!

Thanks a lot Darkfall !!!


Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Deutschmark - 03.12.2014

And here is more great screen shots and history from Darkfall45 over at M4T on the
observation balloons.

[Image: OBM4TA.jpg]
[Image: OBM4TB.jpg]
[Image: OBM4TC.jpg]
[Image: OBM4TD.jpg]
[Image: OBM4TE.jpg]
[Image: OBM4TF.jpg]
[Image: OBM4TG.jpg]

Thank you very much Darkfall Big Grin

Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Deutschmark - 13.12.2014

From Darkfall45 over at M4T some great screen shot art's and history of the Pfalz D12.

[Image: PfalzD12M4TA.jpg]
[Image: PfalzD12M4TB.jpg]
[Image: PfalzD12M4TC.jpg]
[Image: PfalzD12M4TD.jpg]
[Image: PfalzD12M4TE.jpg]
[Image: PfalzD12M4TF.jpg]
[Image: PfalzD12M4TG.jpg]

Thank you very much Darkfall Big Grin

Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Fireskull - 19.12.2014

Big Grin

More nice pics!


Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Deutschmark - 01.01.2015

Here is more great screen shot art's and history from Darkfall45 over at M4T
on the Sopwith Dolphin.

[Image: SopwithDolphinM4TA.jpg]
[Image: SopwithDolphinM4TB.jpg]
[Image: SopwithDolphinM4TC.jpg]
[Image: SopwithDolphinM4TD.jpg]

Thank you very much again Darkfall Big Grin

Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Deutschmark - 18.01.2015

And here is more great screen shot art and history from Darcfall45 over at M4T on the Lohner L and Marcchi M5.

[Image: LohnerLM4TA.jpg]
[Image: LohnerLM4TB.jpg]
[Image: LohnerLM4TC.jpg]
[Image: LohnerLM4TD.jpg]
[Image: MacchiM4TA.jpg]

Thank you so much Darkfall Big Grin


Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - LeBigTed - 18.01.2015

Thakn you Darkfall45, for this works and the little histories ;o)

Ted Big Grin

Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Deutschmark - 21.01.2015

And more great screen shot art and history from Darkfall45 over at M4T of the Lohner L
and Macchi M5.

[Image: GottfriedFM4TA.jpg]
[Image: GottfriedFM4TB.jpg]
[Image: GottfriedFM4TC.jpg]

[Image: AMacchiM4TA.jpg]
[Image: AMacchiM4TB.jpg]
[Image: AMacchiM4TC.jpg]
[Image: AMacchiM4TD.jpg]
[Image: AMacchiM4TE.jpg]
[Image: AMacchiM4TF.jpg]
[Image: AMacchiM4TG.jpg]

Thank you very much Darkfall Big Grin


Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Deutschmark - 28.01.2015

And here are some more great screen shot arts from Darkfall45 over at M4T of Huffer Nieuport 28.
[Image: ANieuportHufferM4TA.jpg]
[Image: ANieuportHufferM4TB.jpg]
[Image: ANieuportHufferM4TC.jpg]
[Image: ANieuportHufferM4TD.jpg]

Thank you very much Darkfall Big Grin

Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Deutschmark - 06.02.2015

And more great screen shot art and history from Darkfall45 over at M4T
on the Hansa Brandenburg D1.

[Image: AHBD1M4TA.jpg]
[Image: AHBD1M4TB.jpg]
[Image: AHBD1M4TC.jpg]
[Image: AHBD1M4TD.jpg]
[Image: AHBD1M4TE.jpg]
[Image: AHBD1M4TF.jpg]
[Image: AHBD1M4TG.jpg]

And this one called ( Gotha Down )

[Image: AGothaDownM4TA.jpg]

Thank you very much Darkfall Big Grin


Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Fireskull - 07.02.2015

Big Grin

Really nice and interesting !


Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Deutschmark - 14.02.2015

And more great screen shot art and history from Darkfall45 over at M4T on the Hanriot D1.

[Image: AHanriotM4TA.jpg]
[Image: AHanriotM4TB.jpg]
[Image: AHanriotM4TC.jpg]
[Image: AHanriotM4TD.jpg]
[Image: AHanriotM4TE.jpg]

Thank you Darkfall Big Grin

Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Deutschmark - 06.03.2015

And here is some more of Darkfall45's great screen shot art and history of the Alb D3 OEF.

[Image: AD3OGM4TA.jpg]
[Image: AD3OGM4TB.jpg]
[Image: AD3OGM4TC.jpg]
[Image: AD3OGM4TD.jpg]
[Image: AD3OGM4TE.jpg]

And he also made me a new logo sig Big Grin
[Image: GermanEagleDM.jpg]

Thank you very much Darkfall :Smile)

Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - LeBigTed - 06.03.2015

Haha ha !! This logo is really GREAT !!! Flugzeug Fabrik !!! That's it !!!!

Fantastic work DF !!!

DM: Flugzeug Fabrik,
DF: Marketing Director 8) 8)

Ted :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Canvas Knights Public Beta2 Discussion Thread - Fireskull - 06.03.2015

Big Grin


Funny, Darkfall!

.....but don't give Deutschmark too many ideas ! :twisted:

Nice pics! Big Grin
