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- lowfighter - 08.01.2008

Hi Mk2b, please send PM to fly_zo for the tools.
And welcome Big Grin

Mk2b Wrote:Idem,
may I have a PM please sirs?

Thanks a lot.

- Mk2b - 09.01.2008

ty sir

- ClockWatcher - 11.01.2008

When using the enhanced FMB I am happy with changing height and textures, but how do you "erase water".

I have a couple of areas on my map_C which are resulting in water (the sea) on cliff faces in a few areas. Is there a way of correcting the sea placement in the FMB, erasing it, or can it only be done by editing map_C? Being able to modify it in the FMB would speed up the process.


- Skunkmeister - 11.01.2008

Water can only be modified in map_C, there is no other way.

Can you post a screen of what it is you are having trouble with?

- ClockWatcher - 11.01.2008

Thanks for the info Skunkmeister, I thought it might not be possible. I am happy with why the problem occurs, map_C overlapping an area on map_h that has height information. It would be a lot quicker, simpler and visually appealing if all map_h and T's were 1 pixel = 50m.

By the way, that little old map of yours is looking very impressive, too impressiveWink Maraz and Asheshouse's maps are the same, all setting a very high benchmark for the rest of the map modding community to aspire to.

Your Beta testing is giving good pointers to issues and possible solutions as well.


- ClockWatcher - 15.01.2008

A couple of questions for the actors.static gurus.

Can you rotate a group of objects in the enhanced FMB after you have selected them, i.e an airfield, or can you only rotate one object at a time?

How do you cut and paste? I have ctrl-x for cut, that works, but I cannot get ctrl-v to work.



- Skunkmeister - 15.01.2008

If you select a group of objects to rotate, they will rotate around your mouse pointer. The game engine isnt smart enough to rotate an entire airfield and keep things aligned.

My cut and paste options work fine. Check your entries in your conf.ini again, you may have something misspelled.

- asheshouse - 15.01.2008

Skunkmeister Wrote:If you select a group of objects to rotate, they will rotate around your mouse pointer. The game engine isnt smart enough to rotate an entire airfield and keep things aligned.

My cut and paste options work fine. Check your entries in your conf.ini again, you may have something misspelled.

You can rotate entire airfields, groups of buildings etc. Before you do that you have to tick Edit/Rotate Objects in the menu in order to keep everything aligned.

- Skunkmeister - 15.01.2008

Really? Wow I have to try that! Thanks ash.

- FA_Cheech - 15.01.2008

ClockWatcher Wrote:Your Beta testing is giving good pointers to issues and possible solutions as well.CW

One issue that still needs to be resolved is this texture tearing issue between 32 pixel grids on the map_c, that was discussed in this thread:

6S.Maraz Wrote:I copied manually the pixels every 32 rows and every 32 columns to the adjacent row/column, and I got rid of all artifacts. A tool to make that automatically would be welcome, manually it's only feasible for small maps

The_Slot is way too big to use the manual method. Is anybody working on a tool to do this automatically? If not, can one of you graphic-smart guys look into it? IMHO this is one of the few issues that absolutely needs to be resolved. This map is just too nice to be marred by this issue, and we could really use some help on this one.

- spud - 15.01.2008

Anyone used the load from file stuff? Presumably you can have a mis file with a template of a base, village, etc, right?

- lowfighter - 15.01.2008

Not really that strightforward, you can load only another actors.static. So your template should be saved as actors.static first. May have a whole library of actors. Big Grin

spud Wrote:Anyone used the load from file stuff? Presumably you can have a mis file with a template of a base, village, etc, right?

static actor tools - Passive - 16.01.2008

Hi all, i have been modding maps with other squad members for some time as everyone else in this forum does and i am very interested in the other tools used to rework the static actors file, as all good things we progress at a great rate of knots and ive hit the brick wall, i need help with decompiling this file...plz

- lowfighter - 16.01.2008

Hi there,
For getting the actor tools please send request with your email address via PM to fly_zo.

Re: static actor tools - fly_zo - 16.01.2008

Passive Wrote:Hi all, i have been modding maps with other squad members for some time as everyone else in this forum does and i am very interested in the other tools used to rework the static actors file, as all good things we progress at a great rate of knots and ive hit the brick wall, i need help with decompiling this file...plz

ok , PM me your mail address ..... and it would be nice if you could post some screen caps of your work at this boards too , if it's not too much to ask