- asheshouse - 27.03.2008
I have recently managed to work out how to use these, so while it is fresh in my mind I will write it down.
First I have made a working folder into which I copied the required files:
actors.static --- from the required map files
Actors Tools
Actors Cutter Tool
I made my own create.bat and extract.bat using a text editor with text entries as follows:
@echo off
java -jar Act.jar create
@echo off
java -jar Act.jar extract actors.static
Now you can start working on your actors.static
Step 1
Run extract.bat
This will create your set of out*.txt files
Step 2
Rename all out*.txt to in*.txt
Step 3
Ensure that Mapsize.txt has the y value in metres of your map.
Create will read this value so it will not run correctly without it.
For Slovakia my Mapsize.txt file is:
# Size of map y direction in meters
Step 4
rename the actors.static to actors.static.bak --- just to stop it being overwritten
Run create.bat
You will see the progress in the window which appears.
If successful a new actors.static will be created, same as actors.static.bak
Step 5
Now that you know it works.
Run extract.bat again.
This will create a new set of out*.txt files -- keep these.
You still have your in*.txt files
Step 6
Try editing inBuildings.txt.
Delete half the entries.
Run create.bat
This will create a new smaller actors.static.
Step 7
In your map folder backup the existing actors.static
Copy and paste the new small actors.static into you map folder.
Run FMB Map Editor to view the content.
Step 8
If all of that works ok now is the time to try Actors Cutter
This needs to be in the same folder as a set of out*.txt files.
These should still be in your working folder
Run actors_cutter.exe ----
Do not follow the on screen instructions.
You must specify the bottom left x,y coordinates first followed by the top right coordinates.
The on screen message is wrong.
You will get two sets of out*.txt files produced numbered 1 and 2
1 is the set within the defined box
2 is the rest.
Step 9
You are probably most interested in buildings.
You should still have a full set of in*.txt files in your working folder
delete inBuildings.txt
rename outBuildings_1.txt to inBuildings.txt
Run create.bat
This will create a new actors.static representing the box area defined in actors_cutter
Copy this into you map folder and view in FMB
Hope I haven't forgotten anything.
- LSA - 27.03.2008
No, you haven't
- fabianfred - 28.03.2008
Thanks for trying to educate us Asheshouse
- The Legacy - 13.04.2008
Sorry to bump, but the download link no longer works, and directs to the filefront main page.
- LSA - 13.04.2008
It' s because that tool no longer exists. It has been replaced with a better one - Actors_CS. Get it from
- asheshouse - 12.05.2008
Any chance of the utility being expanded to deal with the missing bits of the actors.static
Cut Files doesnt cut outWing.txt, outNStationary, or texts.txt
Shift doesnt shift texts.txt
Not sure if that's a complete list of the missing sections.
It would be useful to have these for altering the size of existing maps.
- fabianfred - 20.05.2008
my actors tool refuses to create a new actors static....could it be because my map size is outside its limits?
my size in meters of the y axis is 1108800.0
- 6S.Maraz - 20.05.2008
fabianfred Wrote:my actors tool refuses to create a new actors static....could it be because my map size is outside its limits?
my size in meters of the y axis is 1108800.0
Does it end in error? At which step?
Usually if the actors tool fails, it's just a problem in the input files, in some cases I found that even a space character more than needed can make the whole procedure fail...
- fabianfred - 20.05.2008
Actors static Lite v0.93
Press any key to continue....
and then nothing happens..... after I press a key it disappears...I tought it was supposed to make a new MWactors .static file
- 6S.Maraz - 20.05.2008
fabianfred Wrote:Actors static Lite v0.93
Press any key to continue....
and then nothing happens..... after I press a key it disappears...I tought it was supposed to make a new MWactors .static file
Have you invoked the program with all correct parameters? For creating an actors.static file the syntax is:
java -jar Act.jar create
Have you checked that all input files are present?
- fabianfred - 20.05.2008
all present as far as I can see.......the only anomaly as far as i know is that my map_T has no bridges....because on my map i cannot place any....they all lie below ground
- 6S.Maraz - 21.05.2008
fabianfred Wrote:all present as far as I can see.......the only anomaly as far as i know is that my map_T has no bridges....because on my map i cannot place any....they all lie below ground
Try just putting one bridge in the sea or wherever else, you can always delete it later...
- |ZUTI| - 11.09.2008
Hi Guys,
i have a problem with running act.jar in extract mode. I've created a bat file with this command:
java -jar Act.jar extract actors.static
and the result is:
Actors Static Lite v0.93
Reading *.static file
Reading bridges
It creates the out*.txt files, but are empty, naturally
Am i doing something wrong? Missed anything? I've tried to extract alredy existing actors.static files that were not filled by me, but the result is the same.
- magot - 11.09.2008
LSA Wrote:It' s because that tool no longer exists. It has been replaced with a better one - Actors_CS. Get it from http://files.filefront.com/Actors+CSexe/;9977704;/fileinfo.html
link not exist
is possible upload on other server because filefront is evil imho.
- fly_zo - 11.09.2008
magot Wrote:LSA Wrote:It' s because that tool no longer exists. It has been replaced with a better one - Actors_CS. Get it from http://files.filefront.com/Actors+CSexe/;9977704;/fileinfo.html
link not exist
is possible upload on other server because filefront is evil imho.
its included in map tools thread :
(The link is inoperative)