Map building question ... can't load in FMB+ - Printable Version

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- Dleg - 23.08.2008

Well, I still can't get it to load, but I think I've made progress. I believe the memory error message was due to having a texts.txt file that was not empty - I copied it from the Slot? Also, I checked my map_t.tga and discovered that Photoshop had somehow altered it. So I created a new one from my saved BMP, using GIMP. I've read about this problem elsewhere in here, and it seems to be true - stay safe and use GIMP to create your tga's!

Now I am still getting a load.ini error, and I can't figure out what is wrong...

- Dleg - 24.08.2008

fabianfred Wrote:send you maps to me at this site for me to test for you ..... Gerrit and Delvpier ... aring.html

Hey fabianfred, does that invitation apply to me as well???? :lol:

I uploaded my map folder just in case it does... feel free to check it out and let me know if you see anything wrong.

- fabianfred - 24.08.2008

sure...I'll give it a try out :wink:

Solved! - fabianfred - 24.08.2008


[Image: 250820088-24-48.jpg]
[Image: 250820088-38-24.jpg]

first .... your map_t and map_h are still RGB and need to be changed to greyscale

your ed_map01 should be twice the size....(same as Map_F) ...(although this would probably not stop it from loading)

I don't know how accurate the alignment of your map_T/H/C was...but there is considerable humping of the sea around the land
the textures are a mess at is usual (map_T)
the sea will not allow ships to move ...needs the colour adjusting

you have used a copy of map_T to make your map_F so the colours are awful....try opening a Slot map_F and copy the land and sea colours into yours...but leave it as RGB

but it works! :wink:

gerrit...yours is OK - fabianfred - 24.08.2008

your east java is OK now...

Problems were......

the ed_m01 and ed_m02 are wrongly named ed_map01 and ed_map02 (03 not needed)

AND they are saved with RLE compression....... so open them in photoshop and save as copies making sure you leave the RLE compression box will see that their size is considerably more

plus the Map_f should be twice the size of the map_t/H (same as ed_m01)

I used my actors.static and load.ini from my thai map to get it to load and save OK (your load.ini has no textures applied??)

[Image: 250820089-20-30.jpg]
[Image: 250820089-19-56.jpg]
[Image: 250820089-26-58.jpg]

- Dleg - 24.08.2008

Thanks fabianfred! So let me see if I understand this correctly: All I need to do to get it to load is change my map_h and map_t to grayscale instead of RGB?

I'll have to look and see what the problem is with the alignment. I did notice some SRTM data problems - little bumpy areas here and there - but it's possible I could have somehow screwed up my alignment when I cropped the images to get the 32x dimensions. I tried to crop each in exactly the same way, but maybe I didn't.

Yeah, map_F was just a place holder, to see if that was what was keeping it from loading.

- fabianfred - 24.08.2008

ideally, alignment should be done all together....

load the MWmap_c tga into Photshop at its correct size........then load map_t and map_h into PS... but upsize them to be the same scale as map_c...then move them on top of map_c as new layers

adjust them as layers...moving and changing their opacity as each is aligned then lock them together....when all done......make only the layer C as visible then save it...then do the same with map H and map them as new tga's greyscale no compression
after that reload the T and H tga's and resize down to a quarter of C

all should then align correctly....... but your sea bumps may not be misalignment...... but just need the edges of their skirts pulling down at the water/land interface...using the blur tool in FMB

- Dleg - 24.08.2008

Thanks. I attempted the layer method first, but ran into problems with the size of my images (map_c was pretty huge). Since then, though, I've transferred my work to a better computer with far more RAM.

But I think it's not an alignment problem. I will try the blur method you speak of. Plus, like I said, I know of some SRTM data anomolies on some of the northern islands, that I will have to address by hand.

- GerritJ9 - 25.08.2008

Fabianfred, many thanks for looking at the map and finding the causes of non-loading. Re textures and actors.static, I used the load.ini from Big_yamato's West Java map but progressively deleted items in order to find the cause of non-loading including the textures lines. Didn't think textures were relevant at this stage since I hadn't applied any. I used a blank actors.static since I hadn't added any objects to the map (couldn't add anything since it wouldn't load in the first place).
As for the incorrect naming of ed_m01 and 02........ :oops: :oops: :oops: I can't understand how I missed that mistake given the number of times I checked stuff........ but obviously my checks weren't good enough. Missed the info on unticking compression along the line too- can't remember having read about that.
I'll correct the deficiencies, once the map loads first thing to do will be to check the coastlines for any anomalies resulting from changes due to development over the years, though I don't think there will be many (at least I hope not!).

- fabianfred - 25.08.2008

so all your alterations to the map size/scale thinking size was the problem... perhaps you can go back to an earlier version now :wink:

- GerritJ9 - 25.08.2008

Unfortunately I destroyed all the previous larger versions :oops:
But if the Philippines map is the largest that IL2 will load it may be worth checking if I can get the originally intended map to load or, failing that, see how far I can go. Right now, early IJN missions would have to be air start and finish- the Japanese only started to use Kotawaringin and Oelin aerodromes on South Borneo just before the landings on Java, ditto for Den Pasar on Bali. Prior to that they used Kendari and Makassar on Celebes so I would hope to at least get Makassar in for historical missions from the IJN side.
Will mean making a larger map all over again but if nothing else at least I'm now reasonably proficient at making map_c, map_h and map_T! Big Grin

- Dleg - 25.08.2008

Now I am just tearing my hair out... I changed my map_h and map_T to greyscale, and even re-sized my ed_m02, but I am still getting an immediate load.ini error (same as on first page of this post). I have searched and searched my load.ini and map folder, but I can't find any inconsistencies.

fabianfred, are you sure there wasn't anything else you had to do to my files to get them to load on your machine?

Largest map size in IL2 - delvpier - 25.08.2008

GerritJ9 Wrote:But if the Philippines map is the largest that IL2 will load

No, I never said it's the largest size that IL2 would load... only that it was the largest size giving me a valid newMW_map_c.tga, above 14400 x 14400 ---> newMW_map_c.tga of 1K...

But there is a new tool for making map_c of larger size (see posts)... I didn't try yet...

map_F - delvpier - 25.08.2008

fabianfred Wrote:plus the Map_f should be twice the size of the map_t/H (same as ed_m01)

Where did you see that ? Are you sure ? For regular maps map_F is the same size as map_T or H, it seems to me ...

Anyone would have any idea about maps you can load in FMB but not save a mission ?

I made a variation of Philippines map to include Formosa, so a map Northern Philippines - Formosa...
they are exactly the same size ( map_c 14400x14400 )... with first one I can save BUT WITH THE OTHER ONE I CAN'T ?????

Allways the same Java error message about NullPointer.Exception !!!!

- fabianfred - 25.08.2008

Both Canon and Ash use a mapF twice the size of map t/h.......
and ed_m01 is same size as F.....02 same size as t/h

Dleg when you changed t/h to greyscale and resaved did you compress?...should not (they are 9,096kb each for me)

don't forget you guys.....when map has loaded into Shift/tab to see any error messages

that helped me see where the problems were