When you make a map, how does it feel? - Printable Version

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- Guest - 20.11.2008

Where does one start with developing a map from scratch? (With limited experience)

- fly_zo - 21.11.2008

struwwelpeter Wrote:Where does one start with developing a map from scratch? (With limited experience)

huh ....

1 get yourself familiar with general files/mods/game structure

2 get sfs extractor with latest filelist.txt ( tims tools forum section)

- extract all fb_mapsXX.SFS files ( main game directory) to one temp directory

- now you have access to default files and can get familiar with files structure for your mod

3 get some graphic editor

- most guys are using Gimp here ... but i prefer Photoshop CS

4 get basic map tools pack ( maps tools forum section - sticky)

5 get CW Microdem tutorial ( maps tools forum section)

read .... read .... read all "instructions" forum stickies for proper mod structure ...and tools readme files

6 start WIP thread and ask any question you may have ( one step t the time ) .... someone will answer it

..... did i scare you to death by now ?

in any case you may PM me at any time with any question .... no mater how trivial it may seam ( we all went through that )


- Skunkmeister - 23.11.2008

How does it feel? Like its too much work.