PAT smoke & camera mod by Zephyr - Printable Version

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- zoo_heathen - 22.12.2008

Love the camera! With this and the invisible cam ship movie makers will be busy for years to come.

- Guest - 22.12.2008

Let me say it again. This mod is made by Zephyr for PAT Team. So, all credits go to Zephyr.

I will emphasize again: this is beta, and it will stay like this, so you have to use it as it is, if you wish to use it. I use it for camera mod for example.

Try F8 and F9 in combination with both left and right mouse buttons, you are able to tilt camera angle and many more things, explore and experiment. It is not perfect but that’s how the betas are Smile

Anyway IMHO it is very "cinematic"

- Hellzone - 22.12.2008

you and fireball need to merge your mods. 1 mod under 1 roof.
Call it something like game enjoyment pack Smile
and i agree with Avala the camera angels are cinematic and thats why i love them !!
Very good work Zephyr

- Jabo - 22.12.2008

For me color change is < > keys by default, just to let people know who are having problems with using + & _ keys.

- 606_Sokolik - 23.12.2008

Very, very, very, VERY GOOOOOOOOOD
Thanks :-)

- VonBarb. - 23.12.2008

Amazing ! That camera mod was much needed ! Thanks !



- Guest - 23.12.2008

Awesome, indeed!! Big Grin Big Grin
Was playing around with this for awhile, but was asked not to make it public....glad it's out now!!
The camera is simply awesome!! Big Grin

- Guest - 23.12.2008

Quote:Awesome, indeed!!
Was playing around with this for awhile, but was asked not to make it public....glad it's out now!!
The camera is simply awesome!!

Yes, I noticed tilted camera angles :mrgreen:

Me too. But I ask to release it. Anyway, its mod. In sort of way, belongs to the community. Of course with all given credits to the creator, Zephyr.

- creamy - 23.12.2008

omg finally a really classy camera using the camera ship was good but this YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Guest - 23.12.2008

falco Wrote:I've installed it and tryed to set a keyboard button to all strange names coming with this mod into "controls" window of the game but the only that work for me is toggle "chase wiew" that when pressed/selected in old function allow me to see the new wiew set (under plane wiew, lateral wiew, side wiew..) is this correct? may be very happy if anyone could post a instruction setting .txt can here in the forum :wink:, and also is there a chance to have a PADLOCK VIEW of the enemy plane using this new mod?


- creamy - 23.12.2008

yeah a padlock view with freeroam camera would be pretty neat would make filming easier so i can just concentrate on looking instead of tracking

- fredgreen - 23.12.2008

:lol: Very nice mod, only you have to watch out when you are using the mod BombBayDoors_Plus_v2_beta3_0 (bombbay doors won't open) & separate gear settings ( gear up shuts down the engine Smile ), but all of this is just a small issue.
I like this mod a lot........thanks

greetings fredgreen

- ZG11 - 24.12.2008

can anyone tell me how to activate the smoke? Sad

- Guest - 24.12.2008

Press T on your keyboard.

- Guest - 26.12.2008

This is a great mod, but I'm wondering if there is any way to change the point the smoke comes out off when in a two engine plane so that it comes from the middle of the plane, rather than the way it is now, which is coming out from one engine so that the smoke is off center of the plane.