Skunkmeister - 20.01.2008
Problem solved!
Since the slot is devoid of bridges, and the tool needs one to compile, well it works now!
Thanks all.
Skunkmeister - 20.01.2008
OK...well I can get it to compile now, but seems that it makes FMB crash when I try to load it.
- fly_zo - 20.01.2008
so sorry .... that is beyond my knowledge and experience ( brand new map .... large ....) :oops:
hopefully someone will offer more help...
Skunkmeister - 20.01.2008
I fooled around a bit with the bridge placement and its ok now. Phew!
- fly_zo - 20.01.2008
glad you sorted it out ....
- spud - 20.01.2008
So I can keep on workign on single fields?
Skunkmeister - 20.01.2008
Yes spud, GO! 8)
- fly_zo - 20.01.2008
so there must be at least one bridge per map for tool to work ? Or i misunderstood something ?
Skunkmeister - 20.01.2008
Yes that is it, Zo. Since I didnt have any bridges the tool didnt want to compile.
- RAF_Leigh - 03.03.2008
S! Zo
i havent been here for a while but just got back into it sorry
how do make new .bar=t for it it doesnt want to extract the actors.static to the folder and i dont no why.
if anyone could help thanks
- fly_zo - 03.03.2008
RAF_Leigh Wrote:S! Zo
i havent been here for a while but just got back into it sorry
how do make new .bar=t for it it doesnt want to extract the actors.static to the folder and i dont no why.
if anyone could help thanks
so if i understood it correctly you have problems with .bat files you need to create for act tool ?
first make sure java has been installed on your system ....
1- make two blank txt files ( in folder where jar file is)
2- in each post one command line from readme
3- rename them accordingly ( create.bat and extract.bat )
my create.bat contains :
java -jar Act.jar create
and extract.bat:
java -jar Act.jar extract actors.static
hope that helps,
- RAF_Leigh - 04.03.2008
kool now it like the mission bulider with the .mis files and the trees ect. well if that how i understand it thanks zo
- Thrud - 04.03.2008
we are able to compile/combine stuff on the Slot map with out using this tool. we just use the mission builder to do it.
i will give a small tutorial:
the scenario;
2 people are working on the same map. Guy 1 has his actors which is the main one or master, and guy 2 is building an airfield or city.
1. I load guy 2's actors in the modded FMB. look it over, make sure it correct and all, tweak it if needed.
2. select guy 2's airfield, city, or whatever he made and turn all his objects red to know you selected them properly. once they are the selected red, i hit Ctrl + C to copy them. Now they are in the FMB's clipboard.
3. Without saving, i go up to file/load map/ and select a small map like "online11" or some other small map with minimal objects on it.
4. Once it loads that other map, I alt+tab out of the game and remove guy 2's actors static from the map folder and drop Guy 1's (the master) actors static in the folder.
5. alt+tab back into the game go to file/load map/ the map you were working on. This time when the map loads, it will load the actors static you just put in, the master, in this case.
6. With your master loaded all you need to do is hit CTRL+ V which will paste the guy 2's city or airfield on to the master map. when it is pasted on there, it will still be selected red so you can move the whole thing to the desired location. save it and you're done.
this method works because you keep the desired objects in the games "clipboard" and you don't exit the builder. loading another map just flushes the builders cache but not the clip board.
skinners use this method alot. if you have the game open and add a skin while Alt+tab'ed out the game, usualy you have to select another plane 1st, then come back to that plane to see it. this is the same principle.
- delco - 07.03.2008
Hi, I
- fly_zo - 08.03.2008
all tools that we have can be obtained here:
(The link is inoperative)
java must be installed on system for tools to work !
1 Map_c tool
- for dissecting and composing map_c.tga (for map_c.tga_table just use one from default maps)
2 Act tool
- for managing actors.static file ( that one defines all objects used on the map)
- you need to make two .bat files with command lines in order to work ( see readme)
3 unlockFMB
- for managing map files via FMB ( limitation : can't load large actors.static files)
So all tools that you need are there ... the rest of stuff can be managed via graphic editor ....
As we don't have full tutorial posted jet you need to do some reading here ( map discussion sticky and wip threads are full of info ) ....it's a lot of reading but it beats the "discovering stuff by yourself " that we had to do ....
For map_t.tga if you follow CW instructions by the letter and use his color table .... you shouldn't have any problem converting srtm to map_t.tga via microdem ...
BTW, its easier to get some help if you start new wip thread for your map project