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- Baco1170 - 15.03.2008

Confusedhock: Confusedhock: YES! 4 to 5 houres missions! jajajaja
Than Thing is HUGE!!!!!
Very very usefull, nice, enterteining, and endurance testing jajajaja.

- VT-51_Razor - 15.03.2008

Excuse me while I wire my jaw shut and mop the drool off my keyboard!!! Big Grin

- VFS-214_Hawk - 15.03.2008

spud Wrote:Here is a shot of the Mid 1943 version (reflected by the available airfields, basically).

[Image: The_Slot_Mid43.jpg]



- Bee - 15.03.2008

Oh boy. We really need to a save-game feature to make the most of this.

- Former_Older - 15.03.2008

Bee Wrote:Oh boy. We really need to a save-game feature to make the most of this.

It's the old issue- perception is reality

Some people want the hyper-accuracy, and they also want ease of use and convenient flight times. It's reasons like that that we have maps like "Guadalcanal" that shipped with the sim- you just air start and bam, you're in the action

There's nothing keeping you from air-starting on this map, or getting a mission or campaign in which you air-start or that has test runways put in more convenient places by the mission builder

Personally, if I want realistic maps, I also logically must accept the potential for realistic flight times. I've had people tell me my missions with 20 minute flights are too long. I disagree Smile

But if long flight times are a problem- use the air-start feature, and the problem is solved

- Former_Older - 15.03.2008


Photoshop job, be sure Wink

- spud - 15.03.2008

Placing test runways might require getting seabeas to clear the jungle.

That's after you fins a flat spot Wink


- kapteeni - 15.03.2008

spud Wrote:Placing test runways might require getting seabeas to clear the jungle.

That's after you fins a flat spot Wink

Save the rainforests ! Or at least use natives as workers. I have been in Vanuatu (New Hebrides) and they have a religion called Cargo Cult AKA John Frum Cult. in that religion nivanuatus (vanuatuan people) are waiting for all the goods from John Frum (Local Jesus). During ww2 Usa had air and naval bases in Es Spirito Santo and after war, they dumped all their "cargo" to sea. Place is now called Million dollar point (or Bay IIRC). Boy, those Fellas really love US of A. Here is a short article about it in Airforce Magazine:

- fly_zo - 15.03.2008

sorry guys , official map will have only two islands ( cos amount of data can't be fitted on two CD's ) ... however we will rest of data (third CD) make available via free download soon afterwards

One other thing .... half of airfields won't be operational cos Grumman holds up the rights for them ...sorry

:wink: :wink: :wink:

sounds familiar ? Big Grin

p.s. it is a joke!!!!!!

- spud - 15.03.2008

Well, you know, maps could never have been made open like skins because it still would require 1C to "import them into the engine."


I realize that some of these guys must literally just not look here, or see posts and cover their eyes and scream "i'm not looking, I'm not looking, I'm not looking!" while doing so, but yeesh. They just don't want to believe that the maps could simply have been left out of SFS like skins.

- CKY_86 - 15.03.2008

What's making me laugh about this is that i'm willing to bet, once this map is released, most of the anti-mod crowd will be converted to ''the other side'' or use the map but still be on the anti-modding side of the fence.

- VFS-214_Hawk - 15.03.2008

Just let me know when I can post this map on the IL2 forum. I would love to get banned! :twisted:

- stansdds - 15.03.2008

CKY_86 Wrote:What's making me laugh about this is that i'm willing to bet, once this map is released, most of the anti-mod crowd will be converted to ''the other side'' or use the map but still be on the anti-modding side of the fence.
Those who are tired of waiting for Godot (Storm of War) will convert to the idea of modding Il2. Those who worship Oleg as the god of all things in flight sims will try to banish all mods (and maybe this site) to the eternal fires of damnation.

- nearmiss - 15.03.2008

Just like other sims...

There are a few exceptional mods that everyone enjoys, and a bunch of stuff respectfully left alone.

I say respectfully, because no one wants to rag on someone who has made an effort for others.

The right stuff is being addressed in this add-on and hopefully it will be the benchmark for other map builders that follow.

I'm excited...about this mod

- fabianfred - 15.03.2008

VFS-214_Hawk Wrote:Just let me know when I can post this map on the IL2 forum. I would love to get banned! :twisted:

been there...done first ban was seven days for merely insinuating about the mods....I am still on my second one....for a month...I put a screenshot of my altered Pacific Islands map with the extra Green mount Suribachi I added :roll:

Heinous crime Confusedhock:

now posting there as ffb :wink: