when we host a co-op...but not all players use the sound mod

I hosted a co-op the other day in HL..... it was a mission I had altered to change one flight of TBF's to Avengers.......
being the host and having the sound mod installed with every plane and cockpit available from this site...I saw the full plane list..
I presume that a player who does not have the sound mod installed...or not all the aircraft cockpits....will only see on his plane list the ones available to him...

Noticing that a player was in the gunner seat of my avenger I asked him in the chat bar if he had the mod installed....he said no....so i said that he wouldn't be able to fly in the avenger then..... and he said that he had chosen an F4U

confusing.....does it all work itself out automatically.....because on mission start no-one was kicked by being in the wrong a/c

maybe it is only confusing to the host......lol

those who dont have the mod will have the the option of choosing the ai aircraft in an online dogfight map but will have no cockpits or any other mod advantage. probably best that all who use co-ops have the upto date mods, this would be easier in the future when all our mods are packed into one down load and all you have to do is download the latest pack.

With the Sound Mod installed, would I be able to join any other "stock", or un-modded host in a coop or DF map?

yes you would, and compatibility is not an issue.

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