Adding a folder

In the interests of better file management with new Objects I've just tested adding a new folder.

[Image: NewObjFolder.jpg]

Copying my pub mod into a new folder named "England" and adding the highlighted text in "static.ini" Object now appears at end of list in FMB Smile

Title England

Title EnglandSaracensHead
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/England/SaracensHead/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/England/SaracensHead/dead.sim
Body WoodMiddle
Panzer 0.25

// eof


My assumption that Objects appear in FMB in the same order they are listed in static.ini seems to hold up.

Perhaps the map plates which do not display in the viewer could all be grouped together at the end.


Clearly, this needs to be the new standard for doing such mods.

Question: does the number of the object matter? I think it's just the name, right?

So while new mods might alter the object number, they won't break any missions, correct?

Correct, the object number doesn't matter. It's the name that counts.

The number used by the standard and FMB+ are just showing the objects position in the order they are in the static.ini

I moved all the Plates and stuff to the end of the that the nice pdf files showing thumbnails of each object and its number...were not disrupted

The map tools FMB uses the objects name from the static.ini

First, you guys are doing some absolutly fantastic work with these skins guys - keep it up Wink

Secondly, and now you must excuse some of my ignorance and confusion, but all these skins and stuff are new objects right?

And these are usuable in the Enhanced-FMB?

RAF_Magpie Wrote:First, you guys are doing some absolutly fantastic work with these skins guys - keep it up Wink

Secondly, and now you must excuse some of my ignorance and confusion, but all these skins and stuff are new objects right?

And these are usuable in the Enhanced-FMB?

Should be accessible in standard or FMB+

Both New objects and/or replacement of stock skins.

Mr. Fisneaky, you are GREAT!
There are new possibilities now. For example the Battle of Britain:

You can create a "skin_y" for building A and save it as a new object 900

You can create a "skin_z" for building A and save it as a new object 901

Object 900 (Building A with "skin_y") for example is a hangar in british colors

Object901 (Building A with "skin_z") for example is a hangar in french/german colors

BIG FISH :wink:

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