Installation order of patches and Mods

On my old computer the Mods worked great on v4.08 with no install problems.
Now I have a new computer and I'm having problems with the installation.

My question is: Is there a particular order for IL2 1946 (DVD version)--4.08 Patch--4.09 Patch--and MODS Activator?

Maybe it's something else that's causing the problems but I thought it might have something to do with the order of things.

This time I think i'll install the patches first and then install the Mods.

After another install without MODS, v.409 worked fine.
Then I added the MODS Activator and the English career language Fix and the game reverted back to v4.08, AGAIN, with no splash screen.
I'm suspecting the problem is with the English Language Fix and maybe I have a bad download.
I'm might get the full SOUNDS pack (whatchamakallit) instead but that will take a few hours to download.
Any other ideas to help?

OK I got it fixed now. I found this helpful link:
(The link is inoperative)

Had to delete a couple of .dll files and download a new .sfs file and now 409 and Mods work!
I still don't have an intro splash screen when loading but I can figure that out later.

I wasted a lot of time searching for answers to my install problems.
I wish there was a sticky with FAQ for installing mods and 409.
That would sure help newbies like me to not get frustrated.
I hope this post will be able to help someone with similar problems.

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