
OK guys,

I ran into trouble and had to reinstall my 1946 game. I have been reinstalling all the mods and now I have an issue.

*) I have 1946 DVD with sound-mod v9.3 and 4.091b patch. I have installed the new wrapper and have a bunch of mods installed.

Now, when I install any of the new planes (Me410, Spit_Mk1, RDW-8, Bf110G4, Beau10) ... my game will crash while loading (always at 60%). I have tried several different ways and have gone through and I know there are no douplicate files. I know because I even went into the Files folder and deleated my and out of the Files folder AND out of my fileslist.txt.

No matter what or how, whenever I add the air.ini OR and, my game crashes at 60% loadup EVRY TIME. It did not do this before, so I have no clue why it does it now???

I have no friggin idea on how to proceed now. Does anyone have advice or can help?

did you install the latest AC installer???


look for duplicate "buttons"

did you install 4.08 patch after the 1946 DVD?

fabianfred Wrote:did you install 4.08 patch after the 1946 DVD?

Yep I patched it.

I figured it out. It was the AC installer.

Thanks guys!

Now I am up and running. Big Grin

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