Installed the great new Hurricane Mk IId but now I've lost the sliding canopy on my Spit Mk VIII.
Anyone else noticed this? Tried to re-instll but no soap.
sliding canopys was removed in a few AC installers ago due to online problems.
What were those problems?
The aircraft looked like it was suffering from perma-damage, with a smoke trail right from spawn.
Its a pity, but understandable. I would suspect it could get re-visited at a later date.
What a shame. I think that only leaves the Spit Mk I with a sliding canopy, hope they don't take
that away from us as well.
2.6 removes it, but you still have the option to keep it with version 2.5 which is still in the list there for you to download.
Mag, thanx for the heads up but I can't seem to locate 2.5, any help would be appreciated. BTW looking forward to your new carrier.