Spit N Fire Campaign

Would Really like to see Hurricane Season and Spit N Fire Campaigns redone with Cannos Online Chanel Map and then with Clockwatcher full 1:1 Scale map of the channel. These I think are done really well.


Redoing Spit n Fire and Hurricane season would look great on Cannon's map, I think. But I'm not familiar with Clockwatcher's full 1:1 scale map of the channel. What is it? Does that mean that Canon's map is not full scale? What a shame.

Clockwatchers isn't out yet. Sorry! Big Grin As for changing the maps to Canons BoB I don't think this is possible-i'm not sure!

Any one else know?

I've searched the site for any info on Clockwatcher's map but can't find any. What is this map and what area is covered?

Clockwatcher has teemed up with 352nd to create a 1:1 scale Battle of Britain and middle war bombing raids map which covers France and south east England. See this site http://www.352ndfg.com/IL2/ click in forum and click the link for the map.

Unfortunately the map isn't out yet Cry but we all wait with crossed fingers Big Grin

NOTE: The map is no longer allowed to be shown on this site over a dispute over the "disclaimer" thrrad that was posted.

To put a campaign onto a new map would mean rebuilding the campaign from scratch. It would be a whole new project I'm afraid, with the exception of the research part and perhaps most of the briefings. A tall order really.

But we've got a channel map at long last so some new campaigns must be in the pipeline surely. I'm tempted to start but time for me these days is so limited.

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