A good 3D software to learn with

I have tried GMax and blender but I Just cant seem to learn how to use either. Now my question is there a 3D editing software that is fairly easy to learn the basics one before I drop a chunk of change on 3Dmax

m4sherman14 Wrote:I have tried GMax and blender but I Just cant seem to learn how to use either. Now my question is there a 3D editing software that is fairly easy to learn the basics one before I drop a chunk of change on 3Dmax

maybe google sketchup, free program

Lightwave is another option...

although Blender is supposed to be one of the easiest to learn...

Ive done a fair bit of Silent Hunter 3 modding with Autocad. It ain't cheap (AU$200-300) but its one of the easiest programs I've used.

Try Wings 3D- it's free Smile

I recommneded Rhinceros 4.0.

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