Friendly Fire

Flying Zeros on a shipping strike from Buna to the southern tip of New Guinea. 3/4 way there we get spotted by 4 P-40's below us. I'm in the lead flight. We're sitting ducks flying straight and lever. As they get closer I call for assitance and we drop ordance and start turning into them. As the fight procedes i dive down behind one. Setting up my strike, my flight leader, and squadron CO zips up from a weird angle below him, flames his engine, and pulls his nose out ahead of him trying to level out. All of this happens in the space of about 2 seconds. I shoot, the p-40 explodes, turning the CO into tin foil. I fly through the debri and look for my next target. Friendlys had shoot down 1, with the last two being chased by about 6 planes each far apart from each other. I go for the northermost one. After a bit of catching up to him I get more altitude and come in for a dive. As I open fire the number 9 Zero pulls up from a dive directly in front of the P-40, which i'm directly behind. My first burst blows the P-40 up, and some machine gun bullets, and a misshot cannon round hit numer 9 in the left wing, he goes down. On the way back home I shoot down a PBY that had been flying near our base. Return, and land. My final thoughs upon landing where "5 kills :o"


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