Im confused and need help with understanding file structures

hello im confused here with adding in lal Rones hangar and pcp textures, ive seen mention of a static ini file i looked in my std maddox/etc and i dont seem to have one. So im stumped, is there another location it could be in? I installed the normandy 44 map and it works and put in the 2 pcp textures, i didnt need to add to all ini as i guess the installer did that for me. Is there a replacement static ini out there somewhere to start from scratch? My current install is il-s 46 dvd patched to 409 and then unified installer 1. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



(The link is inoperative)

Do a search on your PC for static.ini. And yes it could be somewhere else. Relocate it to MODS/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects.

I havent found it yet but when i did the search is shows up as the replacement ones i just downloaded. so i will investigate further.. I take it it should be in an Mods subfolder if not in default location?? I will check my maps as well as ive downloaded phillipines/slot/thailand/and normandy 44.

stugumby Wrote:I havent found it yet but when i did the search is shows up as the replacement ones i just downloaded. so i will investigate further.. I take it it should be in an Mods subfolder if not in default location?? I will check my maps as well as ive downloaded phillipines/slot/thailand/and normandy 44.

if you don't have any mod which introduces new objects ( map or objects mod ) then you don't have static.ini present anywhere in Mods folder ( at least it shouldn't be) .... game loads default one from .SFS files .

Only if you are installing such mod you need static.ini file .... so get default one from link above and update it as mod author instructs via readme file .


As of now im more or less up and running thanks to that last bit of intel, installed static ini, hangar and fortress mods and fmb+ so then into the static i go a pasting, so far so good. also added in static ground planes update and everything seems to be working fine now.

Next adventure will be ship pack 2.

I do have a question regarding objects numbers, before installing hangar and fortress i had 736 objects now its over 900, and they seem to mirror the way they were placed into static ini, such as hangar then fortress etc. What has me confused now is no visual reference named/numbered so i can say hmm let sput this bunker # xx here and gun#xx there. I have downloaded the objects lists but they arent numbered and the names didnt match the static entries, my first in hangar is a russian flag, and is that way on static but objects has a dual brick hanger etc. Is there a way to see name??

once i inserted object on map i hit enter and got the multi colored circle and at the bottom of the page there were numbers etc but no easily understood name. Also the fmb+ shows in Mods folder as FMB.

So maybe i missed something but the other unlocked fmb files mentioned a build ini change but thats where i stopped. th eother file fmb+ had no instructions of any changes, just commands for copy paste etc. Any crayon level help is greatly appreciated, im ok at cut paste insert ect but some of this can be daunting.

The Objects lists done by my friend Farang65 used names which he applied as he made them... I am slowly going through them and changing the names to those used in the static.ini....when finished I will put the lot into a PDF format.
The FMB+ may go into the MODS folder with the name FMB...but you can alter that first folder name...the one in MODS to whatever you want....change to FMBplus or Thatthingamybob as you wish :wink:

this small guide to the static ini file may help you....


As of this writing im functional in ship pack 2 but i had to disable my static aircraft file, but i havent the time to do the merge thing tonight. once i got the concept and over my fear of messing up it isnt so bad, put lal rones mods and ship pack in vista machine in no time and all working except the static aircraft there as well.
My current issues are
1. lal rones crimea maps have no buildings, but i think its still wip??
2. fmb object identification, if i use fmb plus i get things out of sequence and cant find anything due to click look oops click look etc, but working fine.
3. the need to merge/edit the static aircraft and ship pack files.

so far a great adventure with lots of reading and i finally got smart and saved all web pages for items to reduce frantic readings etc.

Thanks for all your help.

You will get use to where everything is in the static.ini over time.
You just get familiar with everything.

In the mean time

Download my mod objects photo directory in the MAP TOOLS section in the Forum Index.

Cheers Kirby (farang65)

Chiang Mai

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