Some stuff I wish we had...

I've thought about some stuff I thought would be cool for the game that I hope we will see one day. I apologize if I name anything that is already in the works/planning stages, or if I just recant something that has been said a billion times, lol. (That happens a LOT on forums) Wink


Bf109-D variants

Bf109-E1 (shouldn't be too difficult, as I think its nearly or exactly the same as an E4 but has only MGs firing incendiary rounds...)

Ooohh, even a Bf108 would be coolz! Wink


Dynamic and Static Campaigns for new AAA mod aircraft such as 190D13, 109K14... I know dynamics are randomly generated, but I've been wondering if there is a way to add these new aircraft to the selection for DC's, like with the DCG...


Keep the cool new weapon/ordnance options coming! I love em!


more cool maps too! Oh, and if I could play a dynamic campaign on Canon's BoB map, I would probably cry tears of joy! haha!

Ehh... I have more ideas but I'm kind of drawing a blank at the moment, lol. I'll add em in a new post. But this would make a lovely Christmas present! lol, I know, I know, this stuff takes time and hard work! Well, anyways, if you have any cool ideas that you would like to see one day, I'd like to hear it! Maybe it will never happen, but hey, we can dream can't we? Wink

If we had a full 1.1 scale cannons map i would never see daylight

Ranwers has already released the Bf-109E-1 (new slot)

You can get it here:
(The link is inoperative)

Hawkers Big Grin

Thank you thank you thank you! Kind ol' soul! LOL! Wink Downloading now!

Don't know how the heck I missed this gem! I check for new stuff every time I visit... But thanks a lot for pointing me to it!

keinmann Wrote:Campaigns:

Dynamic and Static Campaigns for new AAA mod aircraft such as 190D13, 109K14... I know dynamics are randomly generated, but I've been wondering if there is a way to add these new aircraft to the selection for DC's, like with the DCG...

try modifiy the conf.ini inside Missions/Campaigns/DE/autogeneratedname/

for the correct aircraft name check you air.ini file
(example: C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\)

liamp2oo6 Wrote:If we had a full 1.1 scale cannons map i would never see daylight

The final version is my map is about 2/3 scale.

In fact, the new slot planes and the new flyable planes are flyable in DGEN. Boelcke, Vtrelut and me (and some others) are making new campaigns or updating old ones. I have problems only adding carrier planes and the Hs-129 (DGEN says it's a red plane, surely a bug in DGEN code). I'm thinking about some crazy ideas: Would you like a Night Witches campaign or maybe a "the other Sturmoviks campaign" (R-10 and Su-2)?. Also thinking about a Zerstorer campaign mixing other old ones in a France-Afrika-Russia-Reich tour de force!

Looking forward to Fokker DXXI and Ki-44 to update my old campaigns.....

So many ideas and so little time......

I've personally been hoping for a Mediterranean campaign on the newer Africa maps, as well as some of the new planes getting into DGEN, I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with!

canonuk Wrote:
liamp2oo6 Wrote:If we had a full 1.1 scale cannons map i would never see daylight

The final version is my map is about 2/3 scale.

Don't worry Liamp2006, if its only 2/3 scale then you'll spend at least 8 hours a day doing something else! Tongue

Looking forward to it Canon!

After searching the web for hours on end for a guide, or some info on how to add new aircraft to dynamic campaigns, I found NOTHING... So, I got frustrated and just decided to tamper and tinker with different files. Surprisingly, I got it to work! I've got a new campaign in 1939 Poland flying the 109E-1! Loads of fun and historically accurate! If you'd like to know what I did, just ask or pm me. I will be making a thread detailing my process, but I don't have the time atm... Sad

To add new planes (or make new flyable planes flyable ) in DGEN (I don't know DCG): Read first the DGEN guides in

You just need the Notepad program:

-Open your DGEN folder:

-Search for the Europlanes, Pacificplanes or whateverplanes fits to your campaign (it depends of what campaign do you like to fly). Open it with notepad and search for your plane. Your plane must be in this file with their proper loadouts. If not, add it.

-You also must to add the new plane to the name.DB files of the sub-campaigns you'd like to fly the plane (notepad also)
-Open the planes file of your campaign and add the plane to different subcampaigns.
-Open the classes file of your campaign and add your plane, making it FIGHTER, LIGHT, GROUND ....(basically the role that fits the plane). If theres no classes file for your campaign you must to create one.

Thats all. Your plane is flyable!!!! (of course, making a new campaign from scatch is more difficult)

Some issues not fixed:
-Not capable to make DGEN flyable carrier planes as Avenger or A5M (carrier or land based)
-Not capable to make a HS-129 campaign (DGEN says it's a Red plane, I think it's a bug)
-Not capable to add the new maps.

Finally, a question: where are the plane names and loadouts used by the game? Usually I copy the names from Europlanes or Pacificplanes, but I don't know were are the names of th new slot planes and their loadouts

Your process is very similar to mine, except in differs in some of the file changes you need for the DCG. In this instance, you must make both the DCG and your DGEN folder files contain the information. You also have to create a class file within DCG for your aircraft, and add it to campaign files for the DCG. Once you do all of this, you can create a campaign from scratch with the new aircraft! Even the HS-129! 8)

The only thing I'm not quite sure about is how to properly denote the weapons loadouts for our new aircraft in the Europlanes.dat and Pacificplanes.dat files. I just added my 109E-1 to the Poland '39 campaign to be more historically accurate (because the E-4 is a 1940 model! not 1939!). But, I ended up copying the E-4's loadout but changing the name to E-1. It didn't cause any problems, but I'm curious as to the correct way to do this. I worry that it COULD become an issue for other aircraft, which carry different bombs, rockets, and droptanks. If you know how to properly denote our new mod aircraft in these .dat files, please share your knowledge!


I'm lovin that map! I love making BoB missions on it, and its a joy to fly on! Can't wait for your next addition! If you need any help finding bugs/problems with it, just let me know! I'm always willing to be a test dummy! lol!

keinmann Wrote:Canonuk:

I'm lovin that map! I love making BoB missions on it, and its a joy to fly on! Can't wait for your next addition! If you need any help finding bugs/problems with it, just let me know! I'm always willing to be a test dummy! lol!

where do we get said map from?

gamer, look in the beta maps section of this site for CannonUK's BETA BOB map.

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