can someone do this?

is it possible for someone in game to make my plane use wing tip smoke?

I believe that it is, as it has been done to me twice now while playing IL2 war africa

my smoke keys are widely separated to prevent any accidental smokes so that is why I am certain this can be done

people can also make ur plane instruments out of sync to haha

why mod for wingtipsmoke lol use keyboard m8

He means that he thinks a third party can actively turn on the tip smoke of another person.

.... only if he has gained control over your system , but in that case i wouldn't be worried just for wingtip smoke :wink: I hope you do have decent firewall installed ...


If you've got Il2 mission log reader installed it can turn your wingtip smoke on and off at regular intervals (to track flight path), If thats the case uncheck the option.

Double check your key assigns too, possibly try a key combo instead of default "T".

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