A Method to Copy and Paste Object Groups with FMB+ Mod!

Hi guys,

I have always been a lil' frustrated that although I could select and move groups of objects with the FMB+ mod, that I could not actually copy and paste them. The ability to do so would save innumerable minutes of the most repetitive jobs when building a mission or campaign.

Well last night I thought of a possible solution, and was surprised to find that it works flawlessly! I am sure others out there have thought of this before, but many people likely have not, and it is a very handy technique.

To copy and paste groups of objects in FMB+, do the following.

1) Start with an empty map file.

2) Build the object group you want to make multiple copies of. Save your work. This file is effectively your object template. Now save your file again, but name it differently. This will be your master file.

3) With your template .mis file open in FMB+, group select the objects you have assembled. In my case I built a cool V-1 launch installation attached to a rail line, and all fenced off with AAA defenses. Move your group to the new location to which you want to paste the group. Save your work to your template.mis file.

4) Open both your template and master .mis files in wordpad. Copy all of the vehicles, objects and buildings from your template file, and paste them into the appropriate sections of your master .mis file. You will notice that in each section of the master.mis file, you now have objects with duplicate numbers. At first I was worried one would have to manually renumber them, but no it is much more simple than that. Save your new master.mis file.

5) Now open the master .mis file in FMB. You have 2 groups of objects now, with minimal fiddling! Save the master.mis file after making any needed adjustments (I went in and made minor changes to my second V-1 installation so it wasn't quite the same as the first). since the duplicate objects in the .mis file are in different places on the map, IL-2 is smart enough to re-number all of the objects, repairing all the duplicate numbers!

6) Repeat this process as many times as required. I copied and pasted my V-1 complex until I had 12 installations spread out across Eastern Normandy, all attached to rail lines, complete with AAA, soldiers and scenery objects. And all that only took around 2 hours!

Again, I am sure this has been thought of before, but I was so excited by the prospects of this trick that I spent the night dreaming about cool mission-making possibilities...

I hope this helps someone who is trying to figure out how to maximize the usefulness of the great fmb+ mod!




John Connor, beware!

http://mission4today.com/index.php?name ... ils&id=350

Thanks vp I will download it and give it a spin Smile

From the description though it does not look like that app can do quite everything this fmb+ trick can do. Correct me if I am wrong.

(And thanks for all the great skins...you help keep the shriveled heart of this game pumping Smile )

You can check also the Quick Object Tool by tigger, it's a bit more sofisticated and it allows pasting different object templates at the same time..

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