"Can't save on Thailand Map?" Problem Solved!

Hey Man...

I think I may have found the answer to everyones problems with the Thailand map ,
with not being able to save missions in the FMB.

I thought I would post it instead of burrowing it down in the threads about it,
there starting to get to be confuseing.

I know most long time members here know all this, that it's all in the Static.ini .....
But Where in the Static.ini ..... I know where.... for me anyways,
and for most others I think as they probable made the same mistake I made when enter info to there Static.ini

It's not the Bamboo Hut's or the Pagoda... 8)

I have 3 full IL2 games installed
C\Drive is 4.09 stock
E\Drive I run my Modded install on
D\Drive is external with a "stock out of box IL2 game for back up"

I put a minus sign in front of my Mods folder and copied a BackUp Mods folder from the fresh
Unified Installer install when I installed a week ago upon joining AAA.

With a Fresh Mods folder there is no Static.ini ,
as you don't need one untill you add Mod object's to the FMB as the in game was are hard coded into the game I guess or whatever...

New guy your thinking now.... lol

A bit about myself,I modded my game with the Nations Mod and every map , Lots of the New Slot planes ,a lot of extra Mods , Cockpit's ,F\X's ete ete
I'm a mapaholic and object glutton as I like the FMB

I added all this in one day on a Sunday,
All with no problems or asking for help.

The only questions I've asked , were in the QMB+ thread
As the QMB+ is new to me ,I had it working fine.
I just wanted more info on the 00.mis files.
As they were new to me

I have recentley made "Lybia aka Tobruk" as well as the "Philippines" ,
flyable in the QMB+

So now that I Conquered Lybia and the Philippines....
On to Thailand.... or so I thought.....

I couldn't save a mission on the Thailand map,it actually would put IL2 into "Non Responding" ,
I would then have to exit by shutting IL2 down with the Task Manager.

After reading several threads on the issue,and trying absolutely ever single fix that was mentioned.
The best I got was a small box would appear when trying to save a mission ,
that would say "mission loading" .... hours later....still no load.

I spent a couple days (all weekend) , reading and reading and reading again, all the threads that come up with the search function.Which I am quite capable of useing, as AAA has a very good working search engine or whatever it's called.

Ok, this is what I read and where I got the info from.

Cannon's Channel thread 67 pages >

Philippines's thread 12 pages > viewtopic.php?t=8045

Updated Phillippines thread 4 pages >

I thoroughly tried everything mentioned,and tried everything over and over, with no luck at all.

This is how I figured it out>

With the Fresh Mod folder and no Static.ini,I then took notepad and made a "Blank Static.ini"
for my STD folder as a Static.ini does not come with the Unified Installer.

With a Blank Static.ini I then, added the Thailand map >

according to the instructions

Made a backup of that Static.ini

Then the two linked .zip files, Lal_Rone Hanger pack and Canon's Objects
one at a time.Here is where it get's to the point.

more backup Static.ini's as I added Cannons then Lal Rones onbjects

Lal_Rone Hanger pack is what caused an issue with me and the the Thailand map!
When adding the Objects to the Static.ini "You must use the Static.ini info for both 1 and 2"
you have to,there is no other way.You cannot just add Hanger two like I did or just Hanger 1

My Static.ini in my FreshMod Folder now has only Cannons Static info , FabianFred's Static info,
Lal_Rones info 1 and 2 , in that order as Cannons was the largest ,then Freds and then,
"Lal_Rones Hanger 1 and 2"

I have tested this thoroughly.

With only just 1 or just 2 of Lal_Rones hanger Statc info,Thailand does not load or cooperate at all.
but with the Static info for both 1 and 2 Hanger mod.Thailand saves and is a very stable map!

I new it was my install as I have two Modded Campaigns I am flying on the Thailand map and all works fine,Mission_bug and Poltvac had no trouble building and saving missions I thought to myself,
where my mistake,what did I do...lol

Now with only Cannons,Fred's and "Lal_Rones Hanger 1 AND 2 "
Thailand fires up fairly fast,as fast as the Slot anyway.Loads mission,saves missions,
it's quick and responsive saving and loading missions,placing object's ete.

The Thailand Map works perfect and is very stable to work with!

I was a little long Winded with my explanation,but that's the whole story...
and I'm sticking with it....

Thank you very much FabianFred for the Beatifull Thailand map,
I am on my way to making your map flyable in the QMBPlus 8)

I now have my fully Modded Install up and running and the Thailand Map and everything works fine,
with all my other Mods.

I guess it could be maybe somewhere else in your Static.ini , I don't now...
but it is the Static.ini

It's going to be a long post from here, lol
Edit one>(copy paste to form Baaaad Easy,now in download form from link below......) 8)


Here's my Static.ini with only Cannons,FabianFreds and Lal_Rones info (and thats all)
And in that order>

Link 1 > http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmznzuzq2td

Link 2 > http://files.filefront.com/Easys+Thaila ... einfo.html

Edit two>
I have added more object's to my Mod folder and Static.ini and Thailand still works perfect.
I am now fully Modded with everething I had from yesterday working fine,my Static.ini has been added to but everethings runs perfect.

Thank you FabianFred , Cannon and Lal_Rone for the wonderfull Mods.
Just so everyone knows ,there is absolutely nothing wrong with anything from any of these Mods.
They just need to be installed carefully and properly.

Easy and Out Man...

Glad you got Fabian Fred's Thailand map to work. But I'm afraid it's still not working for me. I downloaded your static.ini file and used it without further change and still I can't save missions. There must be something else.

My post just describes what I did to solve my problem and where it was in my .ini
The .ini I provided for download was not meant to fix anything.

The .ini I posted is the information from Cannons ,Freds and Lal_Rones downloads
and nothing else added or left out and in that order.It is what is suppose to be added to the Static.ini for those object to show in mission builder and thus on the map.Which these objects are on the Map.
The Map was built with them.The map does not need anything else in that Static.ini to load ,work or to save missions on.

If it all works on a fresh Mod folder,new map install and only the Thailand map and the requested added Cannon and Lal_Rones objects added.BELIEVE ME,IT ALL WORKS PERFECT.

That is also with out adding any 4.09 Static.ini information to my Static.ini
It all works perfect with just the Map,Cannons ,Freds and Lal_rones objects

You have other issues I would think

I have now added more object's>
MOD_LAL-Fortification,Flag's pack two , three and the Three add-on pack
MadToc's new Farm object's just available for download.

All with info needed to be added to the Static.ini

Everything is still working fine for me,I can use all the mentioned objects on the Thailand map.
I just built two more missions for the QMB+ on the Thailand map.

I simply used a copy of my Mod folder that I made for a BackUp when I Unified my game,
re-installed Thai map and needed objects and it works.

If you have not made Back ups as you were Modding,
then you will most likely need a re-install

I prefer useing backups myself

So no matter what the issue is ...it is in your game....
It is Not the Thailand map or Cannons or Lal_Rones Object Mods

I put a lot of effort into fixing my game,as described above
and it all works perfect now and I did it without re-installing !

After I made the Fresh copy of the Mod folder to work with the map,

I simple renamed that Mod folder to Mod.org
I then took the Minus sign off my Mod folder from before and then I deleted the Messed up static.ini
in the STD\Maddox\IL2\Objects and copy and pasted the one from the Backup Mods folder that I reinstalled the Thai map and objects into.

I tested it and it ran fine

I then added MadToc's farm objects
tested and all worked fine.

So you see,it didnt work before...
yet it all does now,even with all my old Mods in my old Mod folder with all my Mods just the way they were.

All that is changed in my old Mod folder for it to work.....is the Static.ini


jcalonso Wrote:EasyRider:
Glad you got Fabian Fred's Thailand map to work. But I'm afraid it's still not working for me. I downloaded your static.ini file and used it without further change and still I can't save missions. There must be something else.

Do you have a Mod folder with nothing added to it since the Unified installer?

If not,you could disable Mods with a Minus sign in front of name on folder.
Disable all the extra Mods.

Then run the new Updated installer from Fred,add Cannon's object's and map,then Manualy install Lal_Rones objects Mod folder.

Then put my uploaded Static.ini in the Subfolders of the STD Folder ,
check to make sure there is not a static.ini in the Staic_AC Subfolders.
If there is cut it out and paste it somewhere for back up.

I'm sure it will work then,why wouldn't it ?

There are numerous posts in the threads about people that have it working,
one post I read ,all he did was muck around with his Static.ini and that fixed it.

Bobbo Wrote:
jcalonso Wrote:Hi fabianfred,

Even using your static.ini file alone, I still can not save missions in FMB. May be the problem is of a different nature?



I had some problems with Cannon's Channel Mod that was in turn causing problems with this map. The auto intal for Channel Mod made a hash of my static.ini, but the thread for Channel Mod has the text and I added in my hand and it fixed. You might check that.

I could have done that...Just muck with my Static.ini untill it worked.....but...Nooooooo
I had to do it the Hard way , thinking it was more than just the Static.ini


Thank you easyrider,

Great stuf first time I've been able to fly on this map, solved all my problems.

Thanks Tongue

Yours stu

stu Wrote:Thank you easyrider,

Great stuf first time I've been able to fly on this map, solved all my problems.

Thanks Tongue

Yours stu

Your quite Welcome Stu,
I'm glad it helped you out


EasyRider Wrote:Hey Man...

I think I may have found the answer to everyones problems with the Thailand map ,
with not being able to save missions in the FMB.

I thought I would post it instead of burrowing it down in the threads about it,
there starting to get to be confuseing.

I know most long time members here know all this, that it's all in the Static.ini .....
But Where in the Static.ini ..... I know where.... for me anyways,
and for most others I think as they probable made the same mistake I made when enter info to there Static.ini

It's not the Bamboo Hut's or the Pagoda... 8)

I have 3 full IL2 games installed
C\Drive is 4.09 stock
E\Drive I run my Modded install on
D\Drive is external with a "stock out of box IL2 game for back up"

I put a minus sign in front of my Mods folder and copied a BackUp Mods folder from the fresh
Unified Installer install when I installed a week ago upon joining AAA.

With a Fresh Mods folder there is no Static.ini ,
as you don't need one untill you add Mod object's to the FMB as the in game was are hard coded into the game I guess or whatever...

New guy your thinking now.... lol

A bit about myself,I modded my game with the Nations Mod and every map , Lots of the New Slot planes ,a lot of extra Mods , Cockpit's ,F\X's ete ete
I'm a mapaholic and object glutton as I like the FMB

I added all this in one day on a Sunday,
All with no problems or asking for help.

The only questions I've asked , were in the QMB+ thread
As the QMB+ is new to me ,I had it working fine.
I just wanted more info on the 00.mis files.
As they were new to me

I have recentley made "Lybia aka Tobruk" as well as the "Philippines" ,
flyable in the QMB+

So now that I Conquered Lybia and the Philippines....
On to Thailand.... or so I thought.....

I couldn't save a mission on the Thailand map,it actually would put IL2 into "Non Responding" ,
I would then have to exit by shutting IL2 down with the Task Manager.

After reading several threads on the issue,and trying absolutely ever single fix that was mentioned.
The best I got was a small box would appear when trying to save a mission ,
that would say "mission loading" .... hours later....still no load.

I spent a couple days (all weekend) , reading and reading and reading again, all the threads that come up with the search function.Which I am quite capable of useing, as AAA has a very good working search engine or whatever it's called.

Ok, this is what I read and where I got the info from.

Cannon's Channel thread 67 pages >

Philippines's thread 12 pages > viewtopic.php?t=8045

Updated Phillippines thread 4 pages >

I thoroughly tried everything mentioned,and tried everything over and over, with no luck at all.

This is how I figured it out>

With the Fresh Mod folder and no Static.ini,I then took notepad and made a "Blank Static.ini"
for my STD folder as a Static.ini does not come with the Unified Installer.

With a Blank Static.ini I then, added the Thailand map >

according to the instructions

Made a backup of that Static.ini

Then the two linked .zip files, Lal_Rone Hanger pack and Canon's Objects
one at a time.Here is where it get's to the point.

more backup Static.ini's as I added Cannons then Lal Rones onbjects

Lal_Rone Hanger pack is what causes an issue with the Thailand map!
When adding the Objects to the Static.ini "You must use the Static.ini info for both 1 and 2"
you have to,there is no other way.You cannot just add Hanger two or just Hanger 1

My Static.ini in my FreshMod Folder now has only Cannons Static info , FabianFred's Static info,
Lal_Rones info 1 and 2 , in that order as Cannons was the largest ,then Freds and then,
"Lal_Rones Hanger 1 and 2"

I have tested this thoroughly.

With only just 1 or just 2 of Lal_Rones hanger Statc info,Thailand does not load or cooperate at all.
but with the Static info for both 1 and 2 Hanger mod.Thailand saves and is a very stable map!

I new it was my install as I have two Modded Campaigns I am flying on the Thailand map and all works fine,Mission_bug and Poltvac had no trouble building and saving missions I thought to myself,
where my mistake,what did I do...lol

Now with only Cannons,Fred's and "Lal_Rones Hanger 1 AND 2 "
Thailand fires up fairly fast,as fast as the Slot anyway.Loads mission,saves missions,
it's quick and responsive saving and loading missions,placing object's ete.

The Thailand Map works perfect and is very stable to work with!

I was a little long Winded with my explanation,but that's the whole story...
and I'm sticking with it....

Thank you very much FabianFred for the Beatifull Thailand map,
I am on my way to making your map flyable in the QMBPlus 8)

I now have my fully Modded Install up and running and the Thailand Map and everything works fine,
with all my other Mods.

I guess it could be maybe somewhere else in your Static.ini , I don't now...
but it is the Static.ini

It's going to be a long post from here, lol
Edit one>(copy paste to form Baaaad Easy,now in download form from link below......) 8)


Here's my Static.ini with only Cannons,FabianFreds and Lal_Rones info (and thats all)
And in that order>

Link 1 > http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmznzuzq2td

Link 2 > http://files.filefront.com/Easys+Thaila ... einfo.html

Edit two>
I have added more object's to my Mod folder and Static.ini and Thailand still works perfect.
I am now fully Modded with everething I had from yesterday working fine,my Static.ini has been added to but everethings runs perfect.

Thank you FabianFred , Cannon and Lal_Rone for the wonderfull Mods.
Just so everyone knows ,there is absolutely nothing wrong with anything from any of these Mods.
They just need to be installed carefully and properly.

Easy and Out Man...

All is ok....but I don' t find the thailand Map "beautiful"......is a 2D map most of the time no populated
wish is very very not cool when you are a low fighter.....

....well I still wait the burma/china Map at the level of the slot or the philippines ones where I can fly my sharky AVG P-40.... and of course without all those install problems and so on......

Maybe one day my dream come true.....

bye bye....

JIMMY99 Wrote
Quote:All is ok....but I don' t find the thailand Map "beautiful".....

....well I still wait the burma/china Map at the level of the slot or the philippines ones where I can fly my sharky AVG P-40.... and of course without all those install problems and so on......

Maybe one day my dream come true.....

bye bye....

You could have done with out the long quote!

Only looking for constructive critisism here JIMMY99,you don't like the Thailand map....
Go to FabianFred's Thailand map thread and tell him that JIMMY99

Maybe you ask for too much....
And don't appreciate what you have.....

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