LVOV anyone know where it is?

The Map i mean.

I noticed Paulo Hirth has this in his quick lines on the config.

Also wdoes anyone else have some maps hang at 100%?
#2 ... 004272&z=8

On Ukrain :lol:

struwwelpeter Wrote:Also wdoes anyone else have some maps hang at 100%?

Yes. It only happens to me whenever I try to apply May_Bug's winter textures from Winter Slovakia - both original and lo_res version from VPmedia's default maps upgrade - to other maps.
Maps to which I've applied the textures will hang at 100% and the game will pretty much freeze. When opened with FMB, they will work fine until I zoom in and textures are displayed, and then the game freezes as well after a few seconds.
I have checked the load.ini for the incriminated maps several times, but I cannot spot anything wrong.

Anybody have any idea what might be causing this ?



Western Ukraine. Before first World War it was part of Austro-Hungarian Empire, between WWI and WWII it was part of Poland, lately USSR, now Ukraine. Old name of Lvov was Lemberg. Leopold von Zacher-Mazoch, author of "masochism", was born in Lvov. :-)

I have Lvol running in the QMB+ fine,
I also have all of Vpmedia's Mapmod texture upgrades for all the stock maps.

I noticed NO differance at all useing the upgraded textured maps.
No freezes nothing.

Not sure where I got my Lvol files,I'll look later

I know everything I got for my QMB+
I downloaded from here,and found it all useing the search function


Old polish town

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