Moders I missed rear whell touch down sound.
Im a begginer here and dont know how to do it.
Please do it for better sim.
Here's a Tyre screech mod thats bundled up with some other excellent mods ,
EngineFlame/GroundDust/TyreScreech Created by Slipry,
the Tyre screech works awesome 8)
(The link is inoperative)
That one is ok but its not for rear whell when touch down, only front wheels.
I was playes CFS3 and there was a rear wheel touch down sound. Go and listen.
There is a single sound heard as you touch down.. its not mapped to main or rear tyres independantly.
Its posible to do this separetly??
Does anyone know to do this?
Who is the best MODER here??
I love this game. I love these MODS. I love these graphics....... but.......
You bounce ground many time with rear whell at landings and you hear nothing... capito... Even with front whells.
Im just telling moders what is missing.
And that sound will be the greatest!
And I know its posible to make it, if they can make it so far.
Thank you all MODERS ! !!! I LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks and GOOD LUCK with MODS!!
I think you will find that the lack of sound for the tail wheel (which I never noticed btw) is not a lack of a sound for that event, rather the way the game itself was deisgned - the tail wheel touching down isn't designed to trigger a sound. Like Howlin says, it would (I imagine) take a great deal of work, if was possible at all, to add this - and the end result wouldn't add that much.
There is however a way that you yourself can ensure you get the touchdown noise from all 3 wheels, The good old 3 point landing :wink: