How do you use destroyed objects in maps?

This is not as simple as I thought.

This is a typical building type from inbuildings.txt.

18_bld House$46Warehouse 1 1134.31 1885.78 90.00

In Mission builder if you destroy the object then the "1" becomes "0" in the *.mis file.

But if you edit these in inbuildings and try to "Create" a new actors then Act.jar returns an error.

Is this because the game engine will not accept this or is it just because Act.jar is not written to accept this option? Anyone know?

At first sight i assume it's a matter of the act.jar:

030_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 1234.12 56789.12 204.99

Translation in the act.jar:

boolean flag = Integer.parseInt(stringtokenizer.nextToken()) == 1;

double d = Double.parseDouble(stringtokenizer.nextToken());

I know nearly nothing about that strange and uncomfortable looking language used here, but may be tagging nextToken(2), which is the x-value of a building, fails if flag = wrong because nextToken(1) = 0?

On the other side it seems that this flag is never used again, so may be in maps it doesn't matter anyhow.


I think that about this we can have two solution:


Create map with destroyed object that will be compatible with others user:

Create the template and destroy object:

- By destruction brush and save the map template with name;
- Saving the template first and editing after object by object in the mis file changing:

18_bld House$46Warehouse 1 1134.31 1885.78 90.00
18_bld House$46Warehouse 0 1134.31 1885.78 90.00

to destroy that objects.


Create map with destroyed object that aren't compatible with others user:

By creating your own destroyed objects:

- Open static.ini , find , copy and past at the end of file the object you like to destroy


Title SevastopolQuay
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Crimea/SevastopolQuay/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Crimea/SevastopolQuay/dead.sim
Body RockBig
Panzer 1.30

modify it into:

Title SevastopolQuay_DEAD]
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Crimea/SevastopolQuay/dead.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Crimea/SevastopolQuay/dead.sim
Body RockBig
Panzer 1.30

Remember that the game load the objects by name , so you have your own destroyed objects to put and see directly on the map in FMB but them are incompatible with others users that haven't them in their static.ini file.


I'm making an add to static.ini with all the object with destroyed mesh.
When I'll finish it (I hope soon!!!) I'll post it to MR.JOLLY with this name: UNIFIED_DESTROYED_OBJECTS_MOD and , if approved , all the users can place directly destroyed objects in FMB and all of them will be compatible EACH OTHER!




If Act.jar could be modified to accept destroyed objects as input that would probably be the best solution, but if not maybe one of Walters options would work best.

I have not found an option in FMB Map Editor to destroy objects. If there was one that would be useful.
I need to be able to apply destruction to a strip of ground approx 2km wide and 250km long (guess where Smile )

It will also be useful to be able to selectively destroy some buildings further back from the main area, which is where the tool in FMB Map Editor would come in useful.


A little vantage of my second method (create destroyed object):

If we set a target to a destroyed object AI don't recognize it as valid target so don't attack it , by editing destroyed object , that the game will see like any other live object , allow to set the destroyed one as a valid target that AI can attack!




asheshouse Wrote:.......
I have not found an option in FMB Map Editor to destroy objects. If there was one that would be useful.
I need to be able to apply destruction to a strip of ground approx 2km wide and 250km long (guess where :lol: )

It will also be useful to be able to selectively destroy some buildings further back from the main area, which is where the tool in FMB Map Editor would come in useful.


You can set destruction by destruction brush only in area that the map recognize like edified!

For so great destroyed area you need the destruction brush!

To destroy single object (I have FMB+) I make so:

Select destruction brush drop menu and open the destruction brush window.

Without any object selected (right clik on the map and if the window select-unselect appear chose unselect) right clik on the object you would destroy , a little window with the option 'destroy object' appear , select it and the object will appear destroyed (if you would restore a destroyed object , even a single in a destroyed area , right clik on them and select 'restore object' so it will be like new!!!

Hope this help!!!

For a 'DESTRUCTION BRUSH' tutorial or if my explain not help you.....try to see here:





check out the OOF Map,I am useing destroyed objects on it
I was wondering what all you have already made up thats destroyed?

Ashe is trying to auto pop this map but the Jar gizmo is not co-operateing with destroyed objects.

I have more destroyed objects than what's in these pics,this may be the way I have to go so I would be interested in what all you have made up already.If there is some stuff I dont have it would save me some time having to make them.

I have created a new title in the FMB called OOF Destroyed that all the destroyed objects will be listed under.I have had to create OOF Houses for the newly created OOF Ground objects,so all OOF Objects will be available in both forms Good and Destroyed with in the FMB.In the list with all others with there own seperate name and list.

We should maybe co-ordinate on this,could you PM me please.


[Image: il2fb2009-03-0115-08-41-85.jpg]

[Image: il2fb2009-03-0117-05-48-03.jpg]


asheshouse Wrote:If Act.jar could be modified to accept destroyed objects as input that would probably be the best solution, but if not maybe one of Walters options would work best.

I have not found an option in FMB Map Editor to destroy objects. If there was one that would be useful.
I need to be able to apply destruction to a strip of ground approx 2km wide and 250km long (guess where Smile )

It will also be useful to be able to selectively destroy some buildings further back from the main area, which is where the tool in FMB Map Editor would come in useful.

I know where ,well roughly anyhow :lol:

Would be nice if someone new how or could figure out how to modify the Act.jar to accept destroyed objects.

250 km ' cough... I guess I am going to need a full canteen for this Hike...

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