Cannot switch back to mission-building bldconf.ini: help?

My latest problem.

I tried to switch back to the mission-making bldconf.ini after using map-making bldconf.ini for a couple of weeks. I copied my carefully stored mission-making .ini and pasted it into the root directory and cranked up the game.

Result: CTD at 70%!

Kept happening. I can now use my map-making bldconfi.ini, but apparently not my mission-making set up.

Can anyone guess what is happening??

Possibly your mission making ini might have got messed up some how, below is mine for comparison;

[builder config]
  bShowGrid true
  bShowName true
  bViewRunaway true
  bShowTime true
  bShowArmy [3,true,true,true]
  iLightLand 255
  iconSize 16
  bViewBridge false
  bAnimateCamera true
  bActorOnLand true
  bSaveViewHLand false
  bShowLandscape true
  iLightDestruction 255
  iWaterLevel 191

I use 2 little batch files to switch between map and mission bldconf.ini files - saves any copy paste issues. The code above I save as bldconf_Orig.ini.

I save the code below as bldconf_Mod.ini;

[builder config]
  bShowGrid true
  bShowName true
  bViewRunaway true
  bShowTime true
  bShowArmy [3,true,true,true]
  iLightLand 255
  iconSize 16
  bViewBridge false
  bAnimateCamera true
  bActorOnLand true
  bSaveViewHLand false
  bShowLandscape true
  iLightDestruction 255
  iWaterLevel 191

Now the batch files to switch - open notepad and paste this in and save it in your game root folder as bldconforig.bat - then right click and send shortcut to desktop. Rename desktop shortcut to Mission Making (or any name you want to )

@echo OFF

xcopy bldconf_Orig.ini bldconf.ini /Y
Start IL2fb.exe

Same process for map making batch file;

@echo OFF

xcopy bldconf_Mod.ini bldconf.ini /Y
Start IL2fb.exe

Save in game root folder as bldconfmap.bat, send shortcut to desktop and rename to Map Making (or name of your choice)

To start the game in map making mode double click the Map Making icon, and conversely to fire up in mission making mode double click the mission making icon.

Hope this helps



THanks for the idea of batch files, which I might try later.

But it doesn't seem to help right now. Still can't get it going. Still CTD at 70%.

Read this thread really tweaked my interest.

What I'd give for an FMB equal to Janes WW2 fighters or MSFT CFS2.

It is so difficult timing events, running the missions, and back and forth.

It would be so nice to just set a trigger that when an aircraft entered an airspace area the mission carried on without having to time everything with the lousy timer in the FMB that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

Anyway, I still do the old CFS2 because to the great mission builder tool. Clicking the hat button for visuals, No trackIR, lousy AI performance, not camera, lousy ground and water textures and all. It is still an outstanding sim, and it still has a huge and loyal user group as well. It's all about the mission builder tool for sure, because the ONLINE game has been history for eons.

Sure would be the top of mod of all time to have a good mission builder equal to either of those old sims.

I think I may have got a clue as to what is happening. I d/l-ed the Spitfire XIV's last week, while still using the mapmaking bldconf.ini. Everything seemed fine. However, the map .ini does not "call up" static vehicles and the mission .ini does.

My latest theory is that I have the common issue with the static spit XIV's and that this just became evident when I switched back to my mission .ini. The fact that the crash occurs at 70% would suggest this theory is the accurate one.

We'll see what happens, when I mess around a bit more.

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