An idea for Co-piloting

I have an idea, it may be inpossible, but an experienced modder can give it a shot. So in the game we have the attach/detach option. If you attach a I-16 SPB under a Tb-3 SPB, you can ride it, and you can see all instruments working (except the engine ones) So what if we make an object with no extrenal modell but with a cockpit, let see for example a B-17 right seat. The fight modell could be the same, (for engine management, and fuel managemet purpuses) and it needs to be able to attach on a normal B-17. This could be used for training and for entertaiment purposes. I think it is not impossible.

The thing i think is impossibe but maybe not: If we could attach/detach in air, you might can give the controll to the co-pilot, for example, you detach, the "just cockpit aircraft" from you, and then immediately attach your self to him, and then you will be the passanger. This could be usefull in two seater training planes.

I hope someone considers my idea, because i cant't mod the Il-2. Thank you for reading it! (sorry for my english)

Thats a good idea, but I don't know how can it made it. I think its hard, but no impossible.
Maybe a good modder can do it.
Let's see what can they do :wink:


i argree with you and i think itshould be used mainly as a trainer

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