Any way to blend missions ?


I was wondering if there was a way to blend two missions into one or to change the map for a given mission. Just having the objects from a mission appear on another map would saveme a lot of time at this point...



I had an idea like that some time ago. Ideally you could fly from one end of a continent to another going from map to map. But what I gathered from my post was it would be impossible as it stands with the current game engine :?

Bonsoir, Monsieur! Smile

Have you tried this:

- take any mission you like and open the .mis file with notepad.

- look at the first entry after [MAIN] ,
it should be like this: MAP mapname/load.ini

- insert any map you like instead of "mapname".
If you're not sure what your desired map's name is, simply create a "test map" in FMB and open it's .mis file in Notepad as well. Et voil

Thanks for the help folks, fortunately it turns out I won't be needing to blend anything anytime soon. Just gave myslef a good scare.

Thanks all the same !



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