I tried doing this earlier tonight and, err...... it's obviously going to be a long process of trial and error before I get it right.
Is there a way of deleting individual stretches of road? So far, I have just found the "remove roads" command in the dialogue box.
I dont have the game open at the moment so this may not be 100%
In FMB Map Editor go to the objects menu/roads
The drop down menu gives you the option for rail, country, highway
Select highway -- then with the cursor over a section of road on the map hit delete.
Removes one section at a time.
Is that what you wanted?
You can also do it in by editing the map_T.tga directly, but this becomes complicated if the road goes over lots of different land textures because the rgb value keeps changing.
Okay, thanks. I got it.
I didn't know the trick with the delete key.
What I'm doing so far is to draw a 3 pixel "corridor" of my basic "flat, smooth grassland" tile, which is RGB20 in my load.ini. Then I draw in the 1 pixel road/ railway on top of that. I can clean up and put in other landscape elements later.
Another question:
Do all roads and railways have to have their own, separate paths? Or can you make roads meet and have intersections?
They can meet - cross over each other lie on top of one another etc. One thing i found is it is hard to get one road to meet another at a 90 degree angle without a cut off diagonal also appearing. - viking
Using highways they will only meet properly at 90deg if you have them aligned on the diagonal.
An alternative is to make one of the roads a country road, then you don't have the problem of the game engine creating corner cuts.
If I make a road in the woods and it appears in the FMB that the trees block the road, will vehicles still travel the road??
Or will they crash into the trees? Or refuse to proceed?
Hmmm, I might run my roads more into the forests then. So far, I've been conscientiously clearing little pathways for all my roads each time they hit wooded terrain.