Research help needed for 07/12/41 mission.

I have all the info i need re the naval and aircraft stationed on Oahu at this time, i have all the anchorage positions and i know what types of planes where at what field etc etc etc.

what i really need is some pics of the aircraft on the various fields, how they where lined up to be more precise. this is so i can make this mission as accurate as possible, so if anyone has any pics i would be greatfull if they can scan and upload them.


I have done some research for you. I like doing research especially for WWII data/information and its free :-)

Here is an interesting link about Oahu Defences during 1941-1945. It is not about aircraft but it can be interesting to read and understand what it looked like (impressive coastal defences).

Then I found these pictures on various sites, mainly Historical Museums. I don't know if you can use them (copyright).
They all deal with the Pearl Harbor attack. I don't know if they might be useful to you...I can see one plane and I'm not sure on the other one..

[Image: PR-241.jpg]

[Image: PR-159.jpg]

Anyway I will spend some more time later.


this is sweet, more realism for the map, thanks chap, now all i need is those aircraft positions Smile
its a real shame we dont have the martin B-12, douglas B-18 and others that where stationed at pearl.

If you looking for something like this......

[Image: Ewa20MCAS209-4-4120small.jpg]
[Image: neg_0102_P-40N_aircraft_of_333rd_Fi.jpg]
[Image: neg_0643_P-36s_HickamField_Jan1940.jpg]
[Image: neg_0065_damaged_P-40_after_Japanes.jpg]
[Image: neg_0059_tent_city_at_BellowsField_.jpg]

You can go there... ... N%26um%3D1

Check this website out: ... Oahu_S.htm

If you scroll down a bit there are some nice images of airfields stocked with planes and what not. Hope this is helpful.


Oh and this may be helpful
[Image: Hickam_Field.jpg]

And this:
[Image: 766333.jpg]
[Image: neg_1171_DH-4_and_JN-4-6_aircraft_LukeFi...919-20.jpg]

excallent stuff, thanks lads, these links have helped a lot. time to get building again............................. Smile

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