Some planes out of control in game ?

Pls help me, Some planes out of control in game - screen after start mission, outside view plane is OK, NO control of plane- What is this .... Maps - OK, air.ini replace from AAA, WHAT MORE???????[/img]

maybe you are running without mods enabled.

AAA install complete, this bag of SOME planes etc Hurric, some Spit :-?

Do you get this when you start a selfmade mission?

Then you have to set a plane as a players plane, I think thats the problem.

Try to open the mission with FMB, select plane 1, and check the "Player" box in one of the tabs (dont know what tab right now)


Yeah I definitely agree with Leopard. Whenever I create a mission myself, I usually let the AI fly all the aircraft at first so I can bounce around the different planes and cameras to make sure everything works properly. Whenever I do this, I get the exact same type of image on my screen that you posted in your link (the weird ground-level image). You just have to select the aircraft type you want to fly, go to the first plane tab, then check the player aircraft box. Next time you load the mission, you'll be sitting in that aircraft's cockpit.

No, he's not. I've got the same. When I go to QMB and take plane with brand new cockpit, and hit ,,FLY", It's just like he described: Starting view like on static camera, externals working fine but you can't control plane - you can ONLY bail out. However, when I take flyable plane (i.e. Spit Mk.Vb), everything works OK. Exiting mission and switching back to that plane - the same problem. Sad

I find problem of step by step relod metod - " HolyGrail_Potenz_Animated_Oil_Blotch_Blood_Splatter_v2.4" is conflict MOd . MOD deleted > game work OK

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