[REQUEST] Generic American urban, suburb, and rural map pack

Like the title says, so I can pretend the generic map pack is south dakota, and fly around. And its generic, so other people can pretend its were they live at. Smile

I want this map to be a civil map when I am flying around.

Can you make it an .exe?

Go make it yourself.

wouldnt it make sense to have an AAF or NAS. if u want south dakota go play FS2004 or sumthing.

-Owl- Wrote:Like the title says, so I can pretend the generic map pack is south dakota, and fly around. And its generic, so other people can pretend its were they live at. Smile

I want this map to be a civil map when I am flying around.

Can you make it an .exe?

please, try saying PLEASE once in awhile too.

Think about tha Fugaku... we could make project Z ...

I want this I want that ..... :roll:

At the moment I'm making a Seattle/ Puget Sound map. It won't be done for a while, though.

The problem isn't the map, it's all the new objects and ground textures you'd need to create to make the U.S. look like the U.S., as well as the trouble of populating your new map with all those new objects. In any case, it's easier to create a map of a real area than to make up a "generic" area, since you can tweak STRM data if you're modeling a real area.

Another problem, if you're trying to model the U.S. as it appeared in the 1940s, is historical research. The U.S. has changed drastically in the last 60 years, so if you're going to do the job right, you will need to look at a lot of old maps and local histories to properly place airfields, factories, landmarks and the like.

Unless a talented object maker and map maker, like Canon, gets the urge to start modeling the U.S. we're out of luck. Or, as other people have suggested, you can do it yourself. A few months back, Czech Texan proposed doing a map of central Texas, but I don't know what's become of the project, or if it was ever started, perhaps he might be able to help you.

We should make a rule so if you ask something you should do something about it by yourself before, like give height/textures etc.

My request a few months ago for central Texas was like a wish-list of things I wanted. I doubted anything would be done soon and if I did attempt it, it would be well into the future.
There are just more important places in the world that are higher on the list of maps to do.
And these things take time , lots of it...unless you get Agracier to do it haha!

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=11eb9c2dafe61348e7c82ed4b8f0c380e04e75f6e8ebb871">http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=11eb ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

CzechTexan Wrote:My request a few months ago for central Texas was like a wish-list of things I wanted. I doubted anything would be done soon and if I did attempt it, it would be well into the future.
There are just more important places in the world that are higher on the list of maps to do.
And these things take time , lots of it...unless you get Agracier to do it haha!
LOL Somehow that occured to my mind too!

~S~, Ladies and Gentlemen...

Apart the fact -Owl- should really look forward to improve the "politeness" side, (this is a common issue with todays youngsters, hopingly they will improve with the gain of Life experience...), I would like to second the basic idea...

Maybe a less urbanized area, more on the rural side... Some small cities with small Municipal Airfields, Aeroclub style...

In this case maybe there will not be the need for new objects...

South Dakota seems not a too bad idea...

May I suggest a place in California? The region around Monterey and Santa Cruz. During the late Twenties, Thirties and Forties there was not too many changes, with some smaller but interesting airfields... Like Capitola Airfield near Santa Cruz, only to give an example..

Here a link to an interesting site:

http://www.members.tripod.com/airfields ... terey.html

Personally I would really like to see something done in this direction.

So here my "+1"


Well we have the Grand Canyon map and I believe someone mentioned they were looking into a Florida map, maybe gulf coast around Pensacola.

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