Bf109G&K series gun site assembly and gauges

Installed the UI 1.2 and nothing else and unfortunately I noticed in the Bf109G&K series the gun sight assembly is located on the left upper window of the cockpit. Also the clock and the artificial horizon looks like its sprayed can black. Sorry if I don't have a snap shot, I don't know how to attach the pic. Can anyone help me in this? The UI 1.1 was working fine just when I installed the 1.2. Also please forgive me if I placed this in the wrong forum spot. Best Regards :?

I would bet you have these two folders as is.



If so disable one of them. If you leave both on you will have the gunsight as you mentioned

You bet right Monguse, that did the trick sir. Thank you very much. Big Grin

Sora Wrote:You bet right Monguse, that did the trick sir. Thank you very much. Big Grin

Which one was it?

AAA_Cockpits_BF_109F_Default ?

AAA_Cockpits_BF_109F_Freddy ?

You need select for one or another but you cant active 2 files... like this bro







P.S select the Freddy cockpit is better for your eyes :wink:

When I switch files, I either get the Revi in the right top window or revi down over the fuel guage, and this...

[Image: Image1-6.jpg]

What am I doing wrong?

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