Map texture changes within HSFX

Has anyone else noticed that there appears to be texture changes within HSFX for modded maps added to a MODS/mapmods/maps folder? I have added the correct _Tex folder files and checked the static ini with the universal static ini checker and there are no problems with the static ini file or the actors static file of the modded map. The textures on the map appear to be very dull and hazy in comparison to how they appeared in UI 1.2
All other video settings are duplicates of UI 1.2 within the newly installed HSFX 4.1
Any suggestions?

8) You are very observer m8 Wink.. I too have noticed this strange thing into my HFSX map show compared to same 1.1 UI folder ones.. I think may be fron some .Dll but even if I tryed to change them i still have same different result as you: foggy and hazy landscape into hfsx VS crisp lighted landscape into U.I. .. very strange.. Happy not was my eyes problem :roll:

me too.. in particular the channel map now looks extremely poor in comparision to my own manually installed version... This is one amongst many.

I have some weird stuff going on with Stalingrad winter with the modded textures. It just turns into a slide show and will eventually CDT. Never had a problem with my own AAA modded version.

sounds like texture compression, but posting a screenshot doesnt hurt

do you get a new conf.ini with hsfx?

Hi IsVan, no, I have "imported" one old from my previous installation, but I've to check about ST3C into Il2Fb-setting.. thank for the suggestion Wink

Yes, vpmedia, I got a new conf.ini file with HSFX. It is much smaller than the one from UI 1.2. I substituted one for the other and while the texture issue is better, it still is not as good as UI 1.2 version. As I said, I am not using ST3C compression. I feel my vid card is good enough (ATI 4850 1 Gig) that I don't need it and I have no fps issues.
Any further suggestions?

While we are on the subject of ST3C, does the third line of the conf ini open GL allow you to set it there?

TexCompress=0 Ie; if you changed it to 2 or 3 instead of 0?

Sorry doesn't help with your problem, but it's not worth making a new thread for it. (I know you can set it up in the set up exe)

Here are a couple of screen shots from the Fighterboys campaign and Canon's map with HSFX. I believe that when I had my modded UI 1.1 there was better texture on these grass airfields?

Note, I have everything set to Perfect, and use History and Effects High mods, along with all other recommended HSFX mods.

As for OpenGL, I have:
TexCompress=2 for the ST3C error related to the paratroopers mesh.

Computer Specs:
i7 950
GTX 295
12gb ram
nHancer used to manage graphics with recommended settings.

[Image: grab0000.jpg]
[Image: grab0005.jpg]

Here is a shot of something weird too that I noticed...the radar towers are messed up. Anyone else see this?
[Image: grab0006.jpg]

WindWeapon Wrote:Here are a couple of screen shots from the Fighterboys campaign and Canon's map with HSFX. I believe that when I had my modded UI 1.1 there was better texture on these grass airfields?

Note, I have everything set to Perfect, and use History and Effects High mods, along with all other recommended HSFX mods.
[Image: grab0000.jpg]

I fixed the above seen in my default HSFX install with this! ... 105.0.html

fixed view below!
[Image: grab0000_fix.jpg]

I set the update to work with GME as well. Great stuff! Big Grin

So you execute a program that was meant to increase frame rate and decrease game stutters and suddenly you have better textures?

I also encountered this problem and would like to have some kind of download for the JSGME. Could you just zip your mod folder and upload it on rapidshare or filefront?

I tried to find a solution myself and copied the MapMods folder (without all the actual modded map folders inside it, just the _tex folder remaining) into my IL2 HSFX install/MODS directory, but nothing changed. Do I have to change something else to get this to work? I'd really like to see a solution to the crappy textures problem since the HSFX ones are really horrible compared to the UI1.1 ones...

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