Need technics.ini help. Fabianfred?

Description  USSR's rocket car
Icon         fieldgun       // used for 'stacionar' tank only

// Models
MeshSummer         3do/Cars/Katyusha/live.him
MeshWinter         3do/Cars/Katyusha/Winter/live.him
MeshSummerDamage   3do/Cars/Katyusha/dead.sim

// Panzer
PanzerType  Car
PanzerSubtype  3.5
PanzerBodyFront      0.005

// Weapon
Gun                CannonRocketSimpleRS132
NumShells          500  //3000
AttackMaxDistance    6000.0
AttackMaxRadius      6000.0
AttackMaxHeight      1000.0
HeadYawHalfRange       10.0
GunMinPitch            -5.0
GunStdPitch            15.0
GunMaxPitch           +44.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed        12.0   // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed       12.0   // ??
DelayAfterShoot        10.0
ChainfireTime          10.0
FastTargetsAngleError  20.0

// Moving
SoundMove      models.Tank
StayWhenFire   0
SpeedAverage    19.0
SpeedMax        26.0
SpeedBack        5.0
RotSpeedMax     60.0             // ??
RotInvisAng     70.0
BestSpace          23.0
AfterCollisionDist  6.1
CommandInterval     1.6
StayInterval        1.5

I keep changing and changing the line DelayAfterShoot and ChainFireTime but its not working. my goal is to have the Katyusha Rockets firing a lot more rapidly then they do now (like they should) but it doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?


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