Looking for a 1940 offline RAF campaign, any advice please

Hi, please can somebody help out a new guy.

I have IL2 1946 with the patches and have just installed HSFX 4.0 and 4.1.

I am particularly interested in RAF 1940 campaigns and was delighted to see that HSFX included Belgium, France etc. 1940 which can be selected from the RAF pilot career.

However, when I selected Belgium 1940 for example the mission briefing screen said it was 16th April 1942. I thought that this may just be a 'glitch' so carried on and started the mission. I set off and hit shift F2 and ctrl F2 to see what else was in the air, saw Blenheims, ME109s and Stukas but to my surprise also saw a ME410, which was not introduced until 1943. So I'm totally confused, was I in 1940, 1942 or 1943.

Of course, it could just be me a new guy missing something, should I have downloaded anything else to go with HSFX? (Also when I had a look at the desert campaigns I was surprised that the RAF Hurricane wasn't available in desert camoflage, again have I missed something here)

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good 1940 RAF offline campaign?Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

This website has lot and lot of misssion, campaigns and skins (including stock and modded 1940 campaigns): http://www.mission4today.com/index.php? ... loads_Menu

for modded campaign try this one?
http://www.mission4today.com/index.php? ... ils&id=372

these ones are unmodded campaigns but are very well done- the voice packs are REALLY good( does include some period language tho :wink: )

http://www.mission4today.com/index.php? ... ch&sa=1569

I agree, Compens made some great campaigns

Those extra campaigns you see when you install HSFX are fubar. Like the others said, go to M4T and download some player-made static campaigns.

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