04.01.2013, 17:08
bonjour je me presente je suis modeliste je fabrique un amiote 351 mais jais du mal a trouver documentation et photographie du modelle que je fabrique ce pourquoi je me tourne ver vous je suis fan de simulation et je me suis dit que pe etre vous auriez quelqu' e photographie ou documentation ou site internet merci davance :)
Translate from Google;
hello I present I modelist I make a amiote 351 jet but struggling to find documentation and photography of modelle I make this why I turn towards you I'm a fan of simulation and I said that you would be eg someone e photograph or documentation or website thank you davance
Translate from Google;
hello I present I modelist I make a amiote 351 jet but struggling to find documentation and photography of modelle I make this why I turn towards you I'm a fan of simulation and I said that you would be eg someone e photograph or documentation or website thank you davance