A question...

I would like to try my hand at building a map. My question is, for those that are building maps, do you make maps with the IL-2 install that you currently use to fly with, or do you have an install dedicated to making maps? The reason I ask is, I only have one install and do not want any problems as I am the host for my online squad.

Thanks in advance.


well i have three game installations .... for mod testing purpose

but you will be fine with one .... if its moding friendly ( wrapper and all)

Thanks to wrapper all your mod files can be easily disabled with simple "-" as prefix to folder name (desired mod folder) So you can disable folder with your currently Wip map anytime

One thing you need to be careful is switching unlockFMB and FMB back and forth ( one of map tools)

p.s. if you decide to give it a try and need a hand .... just ask

Thanks for the reply FZ, I think I will have a go at it. Im sure I will have pleanty of questions so be prepared! :lol:


glad to hear that Big Grin

.... just start some kind of Wip thread and fire away with questions ...


Will do FZ, thanks! Big Grin

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