Installing MODS

I have been to this location here at the AAA site and read it:
(The link is inoperative)

One of the steps calls for "Install the QuickLaunchPack.", but there are some files that I am not interested in using so I have not downloaded it. Is this a required file for the MOD installation?

I am a bit confused as to exactly what files are required to be installed, where exactly to they get installed and what order that they get installed.

1: What I have done so far.
I performed a separate install of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 from the DVD (v4.07m) just so I can use v4.09b1m with AAA Mods.

1: I have installed patch 4.08m

2: Do I install these two files?
I have downloaded the 4.09b1m patch from UBI, but not installed yet.
I have downloaded the 2_125_130308 dll files from UBI, but not installed yet.

3: Do I install this file? If so where does it get installed/extracted exactly?
I have downloaded the mods_4_409b1mpatch from AAA.

4: Where do these required files get installed/extracted to exactly? Do they create the Mods folder or do I have to create the Mods Folder and place it into the root directory of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946?
I have downloaded the SFX_0_6 files from AAA. Not installed yet.
I have downloaded the wrapper files from AAA. Not installed yet.
I have downloaded the AC_INSTALLER_v2_1. Not installed yet.

I have other MODS that I will install, but I want to make sure I get the required files installed into the correct locations.

I have 4.08m modified, but it was in some cases a guess as to where the files would go because the read me file was not specific as to placing of the files. I don't want to go through that mess again and screw it up.

I want to install the "Slot Map MOD" so I really want to get the installation of 4.09b1m and the required AAA mods correct. I have downloaded the file Slot_Version_1, but have not installed it.

Thanks in advance for help.

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