Serious question about maps and all.ini & config files

I should have asked this a long time ago, but getting into Mods has stretched my tiny PC knowledge quite a bit & I am learning by I know these are obvious questions to some of you , but I am sure there are more like me way behind on the learning
I have downloaded & installed all mod maps avialable....
1.) Map info obviously goes into mapmods /maps folder, but does all {quick} info have to go into all.ini &/or config files as well? Readme's are a little unclear in some/most cases.
2.) Should every map installed show up in QMB or just the default maps? I currently have about 7-9 maps that are useable in some way shape or form,certainly not all of them...many don't show up to do Quick missions with.
3.) Those that do show up some of them I can use to fly against armor or airfield etc in Quick Missions , but others respond with message "Wrong Target" is this ok,or have I failed to do something in the all.ini file to make it possible to use same?
4.) After fresh install I still have alot (a-lot!) of fb_3do____SFS & fb_maps___SFS icons /files floating around in the main FB1946 folder.I can't believe these are in the right place...where should I move them to.."maps"?They aren't doing anything maybe I should just leave 'em there? ( OT: I also have a ton of icon/files with a little gear on a square screen with titles like _EAX_Off or _Switch-408_No_Mods or others with two little gears(dll's) in the fb1946 folder.Should all of these remain where they are???)
I'm sure I haven't covered everything but these are the main points...I hope someone can answer in a way that even an idiot like me can understand!

1/ map info goes into All.ini, extra QMB mission maps need adding to config so the QMB knows where to find them.

2/ New maps won't automatically become available in QMB until you create a conf.ini entry and create necessary qmb mission templates for them.

3/ wrong target means you haven't got a mission template for that particular map/scenario. (Ardennes - airbase, for example). You can make these yourself. see qmb plus threads for details.

4/ Not sure. Move them elsewhere and see if the game runs withut them perhaps.

Sorry to be brief in the answers. Incredibly late here right now and I have to work in the morning. Sad

Bee Wrote:2/ New maps won't automatically become available in QMB until you create a conf.ini entry and create necessary qmb mission templates for them.
Information is edited into the conf.ini, as directed... Next step is how to create the QMB mission template. I've looked within the QMB panel and don't see how to do this within QMB.

I can create a mission within the FMB, of course, and when saved as "Test NWEurope" inside the QUICK folder, I can see this mission when I return to FMB QUICK, but it doesn't create a link of the map as pickable within QMB.

Can someone post a step by step procedure for creating the QMB mission template, and how to link that so I can pick it within QMB?

All I want to do is access select maps with QMB so I can air-start fly any plane over that map for Screen shot purposes.

jamesdietz Wrote:I should have asked this a long time ago, but getting into Mods has stretched my tiny PC knowledge quite a bit & I am learning by I know these are obvious questions to some of you , but I am sure there are more like me way behind on the learning
I have downloaded & installed all mod maps avialable....
1.) Map info obviously goes into mapmods /maps folder, but does all {quick} info have to go into all.ini &/or config files as well? Readme's are a little unclear in some/most cases.
2.) Should every map installed show up in QMB or just the default maps? I currently have about 7-9 maps that are useable in some way shape or form,certainly not all of them...many don't show up to do Quick missions with.
3.) Those that do show up some of them I can use to fly against armor or airfield etc in Quick Missions , but others respond with message "Wrong Target" is this ok,or have I failed to do something in the all.ini file to make it possible to use same?
4.) After fresh install I still have alot (a-lot!) of fb_3do____SFS & fb_maps___SFS icons /files floating around in the main FB1946 folder.I can't believe these are in the right place...where should I move them to.."maps"?They aren't doing anything maybe I should just leave 'em there? ( OT: I also have a ton of icon/files with a little gear on a square screen with titles like _EAX_Off or _Switch-408_No_Mods or others with two little gears(dll's) in the fb1946 folder.Should all of these remain where they are???)
I'm sure I haven't covered everything but these are the main points...I hope someone can answer in a way that even an idiot like me can understand!

I cant get to grips with these map mods myself either...i follow the instructions (very confussing to newbies like myself and others!)...lots of instructions on how to install them and use the 'Il2VersionSwitcher.exe' to enable them but nothing that i can find on how to enable them in the quick mission options to try them out etc...

I know this site has just upgraded and it costs money to run and maintain it, i also noticed a 'donations' forum here...but if anyone is to be encouraged to make donations then at least have a forum for newbies who either dont understand the present available instructions or find it difficult and may need help...i deleted 6 posts of mine under the technical qustions post of 'treelines' because no one could be bothered to help me...

If this site wishes to grow and encourage new members to continue giving the support it needs for the future , then it must at least acknowledge that MANY find these mods hard to work.......

just look at the many posts here... 'how do i do that' or 'what do i do with' is all very intensive and many of the procedures that are already hard to understand are compounded by confusing instructions or worse, incomplete or limited advice!

Its not my usual manner to sound so grumpy forgive me if i sound arrogant its just very frustrating not to be able to use these wonderful maps......

All i want to know is about my downloaded maps is:-

how do i make them show up in the quick missions?


I have downloaded 'Canons_BoB_map_installer_IL2_4_09.exe' and '' and '' and the 'trees.rar' with 'Compans_BoB_fields_1.tree.tga's' in it.

I have installed the 'AAA_Community_Installer' which am happy with (the new plane sounds are awesome!) and the 'MOD_Activator_v5_2_IL2_4_08.exe' and 'English_Career_Language_Fix.rar'

how i can make the maps available for quick mission or to replace other campaigns maps with these improved graphics/scenery etc new ones....

Is there a BOB campaign using the above excellent ' Canons' mods yet?

All this is very confusing...could anyone at least guide me through the process for making these maps available in quick missions or replacing other campaingns maps like 'StormClouds 1+2' etc..
Thank you.

Quote:but nothing that i can find on how to enable them in the quick mission options to try them out

All the info is here m8.. you just gotta look for it :roll:

Cheers, Neil Smile

Neil Lowe Wrote:
Quote:but nothing that i can find on how to enable them in the quick mission options to try them out

All the info is here m8.. you just gotta look for it :roll:

Cheers, Neil Smile
Webster's Dictionary has all the info, too. At least it's alphabetized so it's useful.

Post after post cries out for help with a common theme.... nothing here is organized. Yet, (with respect) we get these counterproductive quips, which just 1) add to the frustration, and 2) poke one in the eye... "I know the answer, but you don't...Na Na Na."

I don't believe in being spoon-fed, and don't ask to be. But, when someone writes that they have looked high and low, tried this and that, and pleads here for additional clues, the least one can do if they can't be constructive is refrain...

Sorry for the rant, but the sarcastic :roll: "rolling eyes" emoticon did it for me...

coltsr2, you asked: "All this is very confusing...could anyone at least guide me through the process for making these maps available in quick missions or replacing other campaingns maps like 'StormClouds 1+2' etc.. "

Let's first address the last part: "replacing other campaingns maps like 'StormClouds 1+2' etc.. "

Those two campaigns are made on the Northwest Europe map and the only thing you can do to it, as far as I know, is to install vp medias default mapmods which enhance the terrain on many maps.

Here is a pic with stock NW Europe map:
261020088-24-33.jpg (The link is inoperative)

And with vp medias mod:
261020088-29-39.jpg (The link is inoperative)

This mod is here:
(The link is inoperative)

The difference shown on the above examples may not seem much, but the shots were made in the QMBPlus on the NWE map and the changes are more evident with longer shots.

coltsr2, I am a bit confused by this statement of yours: "I have installed the 'AAA_Community_Installer' which am happy with (the new plane sounds are awesome!) and the 'MOD_Activator_v5_2_IL2_4_08.exe' and 'English_Career_Language_Fix.rar'"

Now, coltsr2, a question, have you installed the Unified Installer available here?:
(The link is inoperative)

If not, please do so, carefully following the instructions there.
Where it says to delete the MODS and FILES folders, I suggest just moving them out of the game folder to a safe place in case I mess up so you can just delete anything I have you put in and put the old ones back.

When this is done, forget version switchers, MOD_Activators and all else.
Launch the game from the il2fb icon in the game directory, it is the 156 KB Application dated 8/26/2008.

If all is well the game should launch with the AAAmod screen and be ver 4.09b1m.

If, for some reason, the Unified Installer cannot be used( too big to download conveniently, etc.) or you want to choose the mods you add, go here for a step by step procedure.:

If you have used the UI and the game launches properly you can go to the above link and scroll down to the QMBPlus instructions.

It is pretty long but worth the time if it works.


A simple two word search string ie: maps+qmb finds more than enough threads explaining in detail how to get the new maps to appear in QMB. Hey, you might even find some mission packs for the new maps already made for you.

Cheers, Neil Smile

ref.: (The link is inoperative) tells only one appairens of each of this files...

but ther is one all.ini in the gameroot/user - folder

and as fare as I have tested it has to be left alone...

can it be a source to errors ( keeping to files with same name ) ????


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